August 3 - Willow Meets Stephanie

Aug 03, 2016 17:59

Title: Willow Meets Stephanie
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Stephanie Plum series
Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Stephanie Plum
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 865
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy The Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of the Stephanie Plum series belong to Janet Evanovich. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: non-compliant to either universe - AU. This is an attempt to get my brain out of “Avengers” mode, which is what I've been reading a lot of recently. Also, Zero creativity points on the title. :-)

Willow Meets Stephanie
by Beriaearwen

After the fall of Sunnydale, when things settled down as much as they ever do for the Scoobies, they found themselves in charge of a large international, multifaceted company. Apparently when the bomb went off, not only did it wipe out the majority of the watchers and some of the potentials, but entire family lines. And those with no offspring had left their holdings to the Council.

When the full extent of their holdings wee uncovered, the Scoobies did what they did best - researched. Not demons this time, but business. They fashioned themselves into a board of directors and moved from there.

Their current structure was constantly evolving, especially since they were all still involved in the core mission of the council - the supernatural world.

Still, the other branches of the company did require their attention as well. It was that fact that brought Willow to Trenton, New Jersey. So far she wasn't overly impressed. It was nicer than some places she'd been and less nice than several others. It just didn't leave much of an impression on her one way or the other.

The branch she was here to check out was on the edge of a section of Trenton called Chambersburg.

Stepping from the building she looked around and decided to walk for a couple of blocks. It was a safe looking neighborhood and it was a pleasant day. She would just go a few blocks down and back before returning for her car.


Stephanie couldn't believe her luck, or, maybe she could. She had gotten her files from the office and was on her way to pick up her first skip when her latest stalker popped up beside her car cuffed her to the steering wheel and let her know there was a bomb on the car.

The streets were fairly crowded and she didn't want to risk anyone, so she started her car and drove away from the office, steering with her cuffed hand while digging around for her handcuff key with the other and trying to ignore the little clock that was counting down on her dashboard. The car wouldn't be much of a loss, but it still frustrated her that they would target it.

She had found the key and was struggling to undo the cuff while swerving through traffic.

Just as she freed her hand, she hit a particularly bad pot-hole which jarred the car and tore the steering wheel from her causing the car to careen off toward the sidewalk.

She panicked and just hit the horn when she realized that the car was aimed at a red-headed woman.


Willow was watching some birds playing in the air above her as she walked when she heard the car horn. Turning, she spotted the car coming at her with a panicked woman behind the wheel.

Reacting instinctively, she threw her hands up and called “Thicken!” which slowed the car down enough for her to get out of the way and to keep the lady in it from a harsh impact.

Once the car stopped, Willow rushed over to check on the lady.

She was taken by surprise when the lady burst out the door of the car, purse in one hand and the other reaching out toward Willow.

When her hand clamped on Willow's arm, the red-head had no choice but to follow.

“There's a bomb!” the woman shouted, dodging around the corner of a building, taking Willow with her.

Willow pulled her arm free and turned back toward the car. Her mind raced, searching for something to help, finally, she was able to erect a shield around it seconds before it exploded. Unfortunately, the shield only was over the top of the vehicle and reflected the energy of the explosion back toward its source. This resulted in the power of the blast being directed downward causing the road and sidewalk beneath to collapse, which pulled down the telephone pole , which pulled the wires free and it continued from there.

The two women looked at each other in shock for several seconds.

“Stephanie Plum.”

“Willow Rosenberg.”

“What was that thing you just did?”

“Uh...” Before Willow was forced to come up with a plausible story - or tell the truth, the sound of sirens reached their ears and a black SUV pulled up beside them.


Later that night, Willow was relaxing on the bed of her hotel room when her computer indicated a Skype call coming in.

“Hey Willow!” came Buffy's cheerful greeting. “How was your day in Trenton?”

“Oh, you know. Same old - same old.”


fandom: stephanie plum, author: beriaearwen, !2016 august event

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