2016 August Fic-A-Day Challenge - Rules Post

Jul 14, 2016 20:39

The Rules:
1. Write one fic per day during August. Stories must be complete and stand alone and they should be BtVS/Angel Crossovers of any rating with any fandom, minimum 300 words, maximum3000 words.
2. Entries must be posted here in the TwistedShorts Community to be counted.
3. Post more than one a day if you want, but only one fic per 24 hours counts toward the challenge. Backdating stories is strictly forbidden (and underhanded).
4. There's no 'miss a day and you're out'. If you can't post one day that doesn't mean you're out. Keep posting when you get a chance.
5. Regular posting rules apply: proper header, fic behind cut, adult rated fic comm-locked, disclaimer, etc.
6. Have fun :)

Moderators: (Please contact a moderator in regards to any questions that might arise.)
acswatwst , avamclean & azraelz_angel

Volunteers: (Volunteers are our fabulous support staff and have the authority to approve stories.)

Special Note:
If you are cross-posting to TtH we strongly urge you to space out your posts more than a day (several days to a week would be preferable) and in situations where posting the stories as a collection of ficlets makes sense then please chose to do that rather than post them all as standalone stories.

Let’s not overrun the Latest Page and make this challenge fun for everyone!

Write 31 fics in 31 days and receive a nifty banner and, of course, bragging rights.

Weekly Roundup:
There will be a weekly roundup/announcement of standing each Monday. However, the mods will be checking the submissions daily to make sure they fit the rules, are tagged correctly, etc. If you feel your daily submission is questionable (in regards to crossover-ness), please contact a moderator directly so we can address the issue before the day is up.

Tagging Policy:
Be kind and please tag your posts so that future visitors can easily find stories by the fandom they want to read, the author or the challenge year. This also greatly assists the mods when they are compiling status updates.

If you post and do not have either an author tag or the fandom tag you need, please select the appropriate tag seen below and one of the mods will get you a tag.

Tag for New Authors: !tag needed: author
Tag for New Fandoms: !tag needed: fandom

Also, tag each post for the appropriate year challenge with: !2016 august event

Happy fic writing everyone and don’t forget to review! Those participating will greatly appreciate it!

!tag needed: author, !mod post, !tag needed: fandom, !2016 august event

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