Title: Monster Cards
Author: Kneazles
Rating: FR13
Crossover: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing: Willow/Kennedy
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me and I am not making any profit from this piece, it is just for entertainment purposes only.
Warning: There is some W/K kissage and hugage.
Summary: Response to challenge #05 (Cards). Fight cards with cards?
Word Count: 788
There was a constant ringing near Willow’s ear. The red haired witched yawned and rolled over, grabbing the phone from the bedside table.
“Hello?” She said.
“Hiya Willow. It’s Andrew. Sorry to call ya so late.” An annoyingly chirpy voice said.
“Andrew what do you want? Why couldn’t it wait for morning?” She asked sitting up, careful not to disturb the still sleeping Kennedy.
“I need you to come to Cleveland. There’s a situation where we need your expertise oh great Gandalf.” Andrew said.
Willow sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Alright… what’s the what?” she said.
“The Hellmouth has brought forth some Shadow Monsters… the slayers can not defeat them, our research tells us the only way to defeat them is to fight them using other Shadow Monsters. I would try it myself, but I know I do not have the power required to summon them and then control them.” Andrew said.
Willow frowned slightly. “Alright Andrew… let me guess I need to get there now.”
“That is correct.” Andrew said.
“Fine as soon as I hang up, I want you to draw that circle I use for transportation spells on the floor.” Willow said, figuring she might as well use a ritual and save energy.
“Will do.” Andrew said. “Thanks and good bye.”
“No problems. Bye.” Willow said and then hung up.
She turned and kissed Kennedy on the forehead. The slayer stirred and woke up.
“What’s up, my Willow?” Kennedy asked.
“I’m needed in Cleveland… I’ll be going shortly. I shouldn’t be too long, but I just wanted to say good bye.” Willow said.
“Oh all right.” Kennedy said pulling the witch closer for a little snuggling and kissing.
After several minutes Willow pulled away. “I need to get going now baby.” She said giving Kenn a final kiss.
Willow quickly dressed and gathered her supplies. She went to the corner where she had drawn a circle for such situations and finished the spell that allowed her to teleport over to Cleveland.
“Nice to see you again Willow.” Vi said.
“You too Vi.” Willow said giving the slayer a hug. “How’s things going?”
Vi smiled. “Pretty good. Come on, I’ll take you to Central Command.” The slayer said and started walking.
The pair of them quickly reached, what Andrew had dubbed Central Command. Andrew was busy looking at some cards and at a book and then up at a board. There were several interesting names such as Suka Golin, Critch, Penguin Nightmare, Perfect Machine King, and Harpy Lady, upon the whiteboard.
Willow took a seat beside Andrew and looked at the cards with curiosity. “What are the cards for?”
Andrew turned to look at Willow. “These are the monsters you will need to summon to defeat the Shadow Monsters.” He said.
Willow blinked. “Please explain.”
“I am sure you have heard of the latest craze, a card game sweeping the nation: Duel Monsters. There was more to the game than meets the eye, for it contains ancient mystical energies. The creator of the game, Maximillion Pegasus, based it upon a darker game played in ancient Egypt, the Shadow Games.” Andrew said, motioning to the text which mentioned this. “The energies of the hellmouth have activated some of the Shadow Monsters… the girls couldn’t handle them… so we need you to activate some of the shadow monsters to take the others on.”
Willow nodded. “Alright… have you got the cards you want me to summon the monsters from?” She asked, figuring it was worth a try.
Andrew handed her a pile of cards. “Here you go.” He said.
Willow flipped through them. “Any particular reason they all seem to be magician?” She asked.
“I figured since we were using magic to summon them, magic users might be easier to control. Besides they have cool attacks.” Andrew said.
Willow nodded and took the cards and her bag of supplies to an empty table. She lay the cards out in a line and started ruffling through the bag getting the things she needed for the spell. She placed three candles in a triangle around the line and lit the candle. She crushed together some herbs and touched a finger smeared with the herbs on each card and then closed her eyes.
She began to chant. “pecto vita fero tuli latum”
She felt the magic building within her body and continued to chant. Finally she felt the magic rush out of her body in a wave. Willow took several shaky breaths and then opened her eyes and in front of her was an army of duel monsters.
Andrew was bouncing on the balls of his feet, giddy with excitement. “It worked… and now let the duels begin.” Andrew said.