Title: Creepy Angels
laney_1974 Crossover: BTVS/Dr Who
August Fic-a-day Challenge Contribution Date: 15 August 2015
Characters: Xander Harris, mentions of Martha Jones.
Word Count: 500
Rating: 15
Timeline: BTVS: Post Season 7. Doctor Who: Season 3 episode - Blink.
Author's note: You may have to know about that particular episode of Doctor Who to fully appreciate the fic.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Buffy and Angel people belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy. I do not own Doctor Who, the BBC do.
Summary: Xander really hated when they had to fight a two front battle. It just wasn't fair.
"Please tell me you know what the hell we're facing," Xander said into the phone, without greeting his caller.
Xander really hated when they had to fight a two front battle. It just wasn't fair.
It were times like these he missed Africa.
"I think so, we're not sure," Andrew said, sounding far too terrified for Xander's liking.
He had to admit, he was feeling a little scared too. He had already lost one Slayer, literally. She had disappeared and they couldn't find her.
It was her first patrol.
"Well, we know what demons Beth and Roma are fighting," Andrew said. "They're called trascleci demons. They're tough, and very well organised, but the girls should be able to hold their own until reinforcements arrive. We have two slayer teams on their way. They should reach you guys in about fifteen minutes."
That was something at least. "What about the creepy angels?"
The silence that followed his question was not reassuring.
"Melody said she saw them moving right before she disappeared," Xander continued when Andrew didn't speak. "She said those angels are alive and they were stone or something. And I have to say, that Melody really didn't convey just how creepy they are. Now that I've seen one, I have to say that they really are yikes-worthy. I mean, I thought Angel was creepy. But these guys have earned the title Creepy Angels." Xander froze when he noticed two staring at him from the other side of the graveyard.
"Xander, are you seeing one now?"
"Two actually, and they're -"
"Xander, it's Giles," Giles' frantic voice came over the line. "Whatever you do, do not look away from them. One of our new Watchers has heard of these creatures, he said that it was incredibly important to maintain eye contact with them at all time. If you're looking at them, they can't move. He's trying to get in touch with an expert by the name of Martha Jones to see if there's some way to kill them."
Xander blinked in surprise at the panic in Giles' voice, and then that all too familiar terror he had felt so many times over the last twenty years washed over him. "Giles, you need to do more than just look at them. You can't blink."
"One of them move when I blinked," Xander told him, his voice as frantic as he felt. "It moved in the blink of an eye. Shit, Giles, I only have one eye, I have a blind spot, and I can't see the other one and - "
He felt a hand on his shoulder and then it happened.
The world had changed.
Xander was no longer standing in a graveyard, in the middle of the night, staring at creepy angels.
Instead, he was standing in a graveyard, in the middle of the day, watching a horse and cart travel down the nearby street.