Finding an Approach - August 14

Aug 14, 2015 03:34

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 14

Title: Finding an Approach
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: Big Bang Theory
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Big Bang Theory people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Just one measly favor… never that simple.

Seasons: Post-AtS/Season 5
Characters: Connor, Penny
Word Count: 698

‘Requesting a favor should require a reciprocation equal to sacrificing your first born child,’ Connor thought darkly as he looked for the address he had scribbled down. His ire came from the way in which he had been forced into this particular errand.

It had been Spike who had called and requested a favor. As though they knew each other well enough to do that.

“Truth is we’re short on Watchers,” Spike had explained. “Your dad suggested you needed a job and Willow got a ping. Besides we don’t have a witch to spare and you can sense Slayers. We need verification and to know if we can even approach her.”

So it was that he had schlepped two hours to Pasadena in midday traffic to find a girl who was probably a Slayer. His anger was less at the job and more about the sitting in traffic for most of his afternoon. There was a chance this girl had a life and he would be waiting at the address until she returned.

He entered the building and looked around. There was an out of service elevator and some mailboxes. To his left were stairs. Deciding that lurking in the lobby was probably creepy, Connor started up the stairs slowly. At the second floor he stopped and listened, but there were no signs of movement. So he continued up.

“I’m telling you, Raj,” a voice said, “We just need a break from the women.”

“I don’t need a break!” an Indian male protested. “I need a woman!”

Connor nearly collided into the two as they came down.

“Excuse us,” the shorter one said and continued down.

Connor found no signs of life on the third floor either. Once he reached the fourth floor he heard someone. But as he neared the door he felt the Slayer. He knocked forcefully on the door.

A shorter man with glasses answered. “Can I help you?”

Connor peered over his head. “I’m looking for her.”

“Who? Penny?” the man turned around and looked at the blonde standing in the kitchen.

“What about me?” Penny asked.

“Could I speak to you for a moment, please?” Connor asked as he pulled out his phone. “Do you live here?”

“It seems that way,” another man said from the couch. “But she actually lives across the hall.”

Connor composed a text: Penny. At the address Apt 4B. Confirmed. He sent it directly to Spike. He focused on the woman.

“My name is Connor, I need just a few minutes of your time.”

As she moved closer smiling, he was dead-certain she was a Slayer.

“Penny,” the shorter man said, “are you sure you want to have a conversation with a man you don’t know?”

She rolled her eyes. “We can go across the hall.” She led him into 4B.

Connor eyed his surrounds skeptically. All Slayers fell on one side or the other on the organization scale, like most she was extremely messy. It was clear she lived alone.

“Your friends seem to fear you’re not safe with me.”

“Leonard thinks someone getting within ten feet of me is dangerous.”

“Probably because he’s in love with you,” he noted. “But I’m here about you. What do you think about vampires and demons?”

“You mean like in comic books?” she asked.

Connor nodded. It would be so much easier if she already believed in these things.

“Well, I can’t say I get into that kinda stuff but if walking around like Elvira gets me an acting part, I’m all for it.”

It took a moment before Connor’s brain fully understood what she had said. She was an actress, well-connected to her community - at least the men across the hall would notice if she left.

“We’ll get back to you,” he promised and stepped out of her apartment. He opened his phone and pressed ‘5’ until it connected. “Spike… yeah, we may need to come at this differently.”

“I know,” Spike replied. “Red just brought up everything about this girl. I don’t think she’s a candidate.”

“She’s not. But she is an actress. I think I can assess her skills without having to tell her anything.”


“An audition.”

fandom: big bang theory, author: hermione2be, !2015 august event

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