Title: Sloppy Spellwork - 1
Author: Beriaearwen (beri_fanfic)
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Avengers (movieverse) belong to Marvel, etc. . All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Crossover: Buffy The Vampire Slayer / Avengers
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1273
Author's Note: As with yesterday's there's a certain amount of shame that comes with admitting you ever wrote something like this. I blame my plot bunny farm - they're all on vacation right now. I've only got plot voles, so it's kind of like the blind... well you get it. Please note, there is a “soulmark” in this one. After all, everyone should write at least one, right?
Summary: Willow is the victim of sloppy spellwork. Buffy is the victim of the universe's (or possibly the plot vole's) sick sense of humor.
Willow sighed and rested her head against the wall, eyes closed. She knew her friends would be coming for her, but also knew it would take them a little longer than normal to find her. After all, finding the right dimension was always a challenge.
The sound of her cell door opening startled her out of her thoughts. A young woman was unceremoniously thrown into the cell wearing the same sort of magic-suppressing collar that was fitted around Willow's neck.
Rising from her seat on the cot, she walked over and helped the girl up, knowing how disorienting having your magic suppressed could be. “You OK?” she asked as the girl found her feet.
“Not injured,” the girl replied, her eyes becoming somewhat distant as she looked at Willow before a smirk appeared on her lips. “Well, that will be interesting,” she declared randomly. “Shame we'll miss it.”
Helping the girl take a seat on the other end of the cot, Willow asked, “Do I want to know?” When the girl just smirked, Willow shrugged. “I'm Willow.”
“Wanda,” the girl replied before tilting her head to the side and studying Willow's face. “I'm known as the Scarlet Witch.”
Willow laughed and shook her head. “And I'm known as the Red Witch in my dimension.”
Wanda laughed as well. “Looks like someone was sloppy in their spell work.”
“Yeah. Did your vision give you any idea of when the rescue will happen?”
“A while, but not too long. The future's kind of slippery like that. And they'll arrive together, your team and mine.”
The two women sat silently for a while.
Suddenly Wanda asked, “Do you think trans-dimensional romances can work?”
Willow blushed and began to stammer.
Laughing at her stammering cellmate, Wanda clarified, “Not us. But what I saw earlier. It's going to have a horrific start, but a lot of good - the best possible future - could come out of it, if he can convince her.”
“Her who and him who?” Willow asked. Seeing the expression on Wanda's face, she let it pass. “Crossing dimensions isn't as easy as we make it look or sound.” Willow explained in more detail, delving more deeply into the magical aspects when Wanda showed interest. It wasn't often she got to get her magic-nerd on. “And we aren't even sure what the full effects are. Are we leaving tracks across other dimensions? Are we contaminating dimensions? What if one of us has a cold and that dimension had never had one before? We could wipe out an entire dimension!”
Wanda laughed at how worked up Willow was getting. “Don't worry about it too much,” Wanda said. “I understand the seriousness, but I think it happens more frequently than you believe - hopping dimensions.”
A loud explosion sounded a ways away and the cot they were sitting on shook.
“Sounds like Buffy's here and pissed,” Willow murmured.
Wanda giggled. “Not as pissed as she's going to be.
Buffy was not happy. First, some idiot on a bike had spilled her morning cappuccino, then, before she could get another, the alert went out and she had to rush back to headquarters. Then! Then it turns out Willow disappeared and no one knew where so Dawn's secret had to be exposed to the coven when they realized Willow was in a different dimension.
As if all that wasn't bad enough, she couldn't bring the scythe with her and had to settle for her sword and the troll hammer.
Then, when they finally arrive and do some recon, they come across some costumed superheroes that she actually recognized - which she will deny to her dying day.
Before the teams could talk to each other and work things out, the attacks began.
It was ugly and brutal, though not the worst she'd ever seen. She was finally beginning to relax into a good battle rhythm when she jumped toward a particularly nasty snarl of men ganging up on a redheaded woman in a uniform not too different than the others. Black Widow her memory supplied as her landing took out three of the the thugs.
She caught Black Widow's nod of acknowledgment a moment before instinctively ducking. And she was very lucky she did as a shield went flying over her head and took out three more before causing Buffy to lean back the other way.
Shooting a glare over her shoulder at the costumed man she knew the weapon came from she refocused her attention on driving toward the door.
Moments, or hours, later she arrived just before the rest of her team and the others. Hefting the troll hammer, she swung as hard as she could. The thick steel doors dented slightly. Narrowing her eyes, Buffy moved slightly and swung again. This time the doors went flying of their hinges and landed with a loud “bang” in the courtyard. A smile of satisfaction crossed Buffy's face.
She felt someone slap her on the shoulder and looked into Xander's smiling face. “Feeling better?”
Buffy grinned.
“Let's go get our girl,” he continued, moving ahead of Buffy into the fight in the courtyard.
With a nod, Buffy moved ahead as well.
She smiled grimly as she locked onto her next target and took a step toward them, only to watch as the costumed menace with his shield took out her targets instead. He really was annoying.
The battle was almost done, Xander and a few others had been dispatched to retrieve Willow as Buffy stayed outside to finish off the remaining enemies.
As she was cleaning the blood off her sword, she paused and looked up at the man with the costume and shield who had irritated her during battle.
Now, with her post-battle high and H&H's kicking in, he didn't seem so bad.
At least he didn't seem so bad until he opened his mouth and uttered the words that had only added to Buffy's pain since coming back.
Among the many changes after Willow brought her back, Buffy found a few sets of words on her body - one set in black and a few others in gray. Not having a clue what they were, other than the black ones being hurtful and something Spike seemed to enjoy saying when being particularly cruel in their play, she had researched and found nothing.
One day, though, Anya had caught sight of them and squealed in delight. She then informed Buffy all about soul-marks and how the gray words would be from her platonic soulmate (Buffy assumed best friend) and how the black words were her romantic soulmate.
The revelation that the powers that be thought she should be romantically involved with a man who could say that to a woman took away any last trace of belief in romantic love and soulmates she ever had.
She hadn't expected the blinding rage to fill her as her heart clenched. Knowing from the comic books that he could take it, she hauled off and slapped him across the face holding back none of her strength.
The Captain staggered a few steps and might have fallen if Falcon hadn't helped him keep upright.
Pointing her finger at the reeling man, she said, “And that is why I don't believe in soul mates. I refuse to be involved with anyone who could say that to another person.”
Turning on her heel, she spotted Willow standing with her mouth open, staring at Buffy's little scene. There was another young woman standing beside her bouncing gleefully on her toes and clapping her hands in excitement.