August 1st entry

Aug 01, 2006 08:29

TITLE: The Price
AUTHOR: Demona
SUMMARY: The price for Calling all those Slayers is made known.
NOTE: Set after "Chosen"
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel the Series, they belong to Fox, the WB/UPN, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Anita Blake belong to Laurell K Hamilton. The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

August 1st

“I can’t just reverse what I’ve done,” Willow calmly stated, much to the dismay of everyone in her company.

I sat at one corner of the kitchen table in the middle of a Scooby meeting. Boxes of donuts and take-out were strewn about the table. I could feel the tension building among the rest of the occupants of the room.

“Slayers are dying, demons are getting the upper hand, and we’re responsible,” Xander’s voice was full of agitation. He hadn’t been handling the deaths well.

“Why couldn’t Whistler ever bring good news?” B quietly complained. I chuckled under my breath. Good news would never come for Slayers. But I wouldn’t fault B for her optimism, misguided and fake as it was.

“So, either we divide ourselves up among the worlds that need help or we cease to exist…” I cut in, jumping back to the point at hand. “It doesn’t sound like that much of a decision,” I added with a raised eyebrow and a shrug. I heard the murmurs of consent among the few Slayers gathered behind me. A few moments of silence lapsed before I spoke again. “So, Reds, perhaps you should start getting some info on these worlds so we can divide them up,” I suggested and looked over at Buffy. “Looks like you’re gonna get that title back after all,” I whispered and offered her a sad smile. I watched as the harsh realization finally sunk in.


The memory faded as the knife sunk a little deeper. I bit down on my lips to keep from crying out in pain. But it wasn’t enough as the knife twisted a little more.

“Haven’t you had enough shits and giggles over seeing my blood spilled yet?” I bit out, my voice quivering. I hated that it did that, it made me seem weaker than I already was.

“Not nearly enough of your blood has been spilled tonight,” Raina whispered in my ear and began to laugh.

“Well then, by all means, spill some more,” I suggested and the knife was ripped out. “I should have chosen a different world,” I muttered to myself and promptly passed out.


fandom: anita blake, author: azraelz_angel, !old august event posts

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