Title: And We’re Talking
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Avengers / Marvel Universe
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Marvel Universe / Avengers
Summary: Conversations during a relationship.
Warnings: nope.
Timeline/Setting: After the Avengers movie and Thor 2 (but somehow Thor 2 occurred without any Ian/Darcy action), and sometime after the end of the series for the Buffy crowd.
Author's notes(if any): nope.
“We’ve been going out for three months Jane.” Darcy said as she unplugged cables from the computers and machines.
“But we’re leaving in three days. What will you do then?” Jane asked taking papers and pictures off of a bulletin board in some makes sense to only Jane order.
“His boss has been pushing him to take a position in their North America branch and he’s decided to take it.” Darcy explained remembering him talking about having the ability to choose where he wanted the American office based out of.
“Ok Xander. Why did you finally take Giles’s offer of North America? I know it wasn’t from getting tired of his asking. You’re too stubborn for that.” Willow asked as they walked to get an afternoon snack.
“A girlfriend. We’ve been dating for three months now and she passed the human/demon detector ring as human.” Xander said walking with his hands in his coat pockets referring to the looks like a mood ring detector Willow had created.
“It’s going good, she’s either moving there or living there, and you don’t want to jinx it by saying any more.” Willow guessed.
Xander nodded agreeing. “Moving.”
Stepping into the elevator Xander said hello to Jarvis and asked if Darcy was in the building.
Miss Lewis has just entered her apartment.
“Thanks Jarvis. Has she had any sleep since the team got back?” Xander asked pulling the backpack higher on his shoulder.
She has not. Was she expecting you to arrive at this time?
“No. Knowing Darcy she’s spent every minute looking after everyone, helping out where she could, and worrying. She needs someone to look after her. So I’m here with dinner, a movie, a clean hankie, and whatever else I could think of.” Xander explained.
You’re Miss Lewis’s ‘Darcy’. It’s good she has you.
Not entirely sure what Jarvis meant Xander agreed because it sounded like a compliment.
Darcy walked through the hospital following the confusing direction the visitor help desk gave her. Her messenger bag had a change of clothes for Xander, snacks, a few comic books, and some knitting for her in case he was busy. His friends had been hurt and she knew waiting sucked.
Taking a seat in the waiting room Darcy barely had time to pull out her yarn when Xander walked in and saw her. Detouring for a fast hug before he continued to check on someone else Darcy missed out his face lit up when he saw her. Willow saw his reaction to her and moved to stand in front of Darcy.
“You’re his Xander. I’m so glad he found you.”
“Thanks, I think.” Darcy said not sure who this red haired woman was.
Walking in the park Xander pulled Darcy’s hand and fiddled with it. “Darcy, want to become my wife? And me your husband?”
“Yes. A million times yes. Every universe and every alternate reality yes.”