Day 11 - So Overqualified [Chuck]

Aug 11, 2014 12:04

Title: So Overqualified

Author: Twisted_Slinky

Crossover: Chuck

Rating: PG

Wordcount: ~900

Summary: Dawn wants to get away from her life for a few months, so she takes a job at a Buy More.

Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Chuck and am making no money off this fanwork.

Dawn was grossly overqualified for this job. It wasn't just that she had a degree from Stanford and was currently working on her doctorate. Or that she'd helped save the world on more than one occasion...Okay, maybe it was that last part, she mentally amended.

But the point, the whole point of this 'sabbatical' was to get away from the big-picture stuff. Get a breath of fresh air for a summer. And she really couldn't get further away from her usual duties unless she'd taken a job at that Yogurt shop next door instead becoming the newest member of the Nerd Herd.

Dawn took a breath, ashamed that she was weirdly nervous about her new gig, tapped the badge on her white button-up, and stepped through the doors of the Buy More. For a few months, at least, this would be her life. The life of a normal person, doing normal things, and living on a normal paycheck.

She released the breath, smiling brightly, and then walked up to the Nerd Herd desk, where she could see the back of a tall, lanky man. Big Mike, the store manager, had told her that she was hired, given her a uniform and everything, but assured her that if his best man, "Chuck," didn't think she was a good addition, she was out the door. "Chuck" who was apparently on a really odd service call for several days. Since she'd already met most of the employees she'd be working with, she assumed the tall guy was the prize of the Buy More, Mr. Chuck himself.

Two pairs of eyes followed her steps through the store. They were watching from behind a shelf of collector's edition Godfather dvds, and her grin widened for their benefit. She heard a crash from behind the shelves when they realized they'd been spotted. She was certain she knew who was there, the pair of ghouls she'd spotted when she'd arrived for her interview. Jeff and Lester had attempted to woo (and harass) her as soon as she'd entered their line of sight, but when she'd given her name and repeated, "Yes, that Dawn Summers," the two of them had, poof, and disappeared.

Dawn sighed. She'd have to hunt them down and assure them that she'd already checked them out and that no one would be slaying them in the days to come. They were relatively harmless, if a bit creepy, even if Jeff apparently kept his hunger at bay by drinking most of the day away. The owner of the local demon bar said he was his best customer, and that Lester was the star of karaoke night.

It was good to already have some locals she could chat openly with.

If they didn't keep running away from her.

"Hi! I'm Dawn Summers, your new nerd."

Chuck whipped around, as if she'd surprised him, and sloshed some of his coffee over the lip of his cup. "Oh, sorry! Didn't see you there. Big Mike told me, he'd hired someone." The guy was already smiling when he looked up and met her eye. "I'm..."

And his voice trailed off, his gaze becoming distant.

Dawn blinked at him, a little worried. Was he having some sort of silent seizure? Should she call for help?

But just as quickly as it had begun, it was over again. He shook his head and gave a nervous laugh. "I'm, yeah, I'm Chuck." He swallowed hard. "And you're, uh, you're Dawn Summers. Which, I knew that because you just said that, so, yeah. Welcome to the Nerd Herd, Dawn!" He pointed to his right, excusing himself. "If you'll just sit tight, I'll be right back. Just have a little orientation booklet thing I need to get you...Jeff and Lester will keep you busy. If they ever come back to their work area..."

Wow. That guy was an awful liar. Dawn watched him skitter off, still somewhat amused by his introduction. But as adorkable as they guy appeared to be, she was a tad turned off by the amount of fear behind his big fake smile. What the heck was his problem?

Dawn leaned forward over the counter, watching to see where he went. Oddly enough, it was to another employ, a muscle-bound green-shirt who was probably a great asset when it came to lifting flat-screens. Dawn couldn't hear him, but being the little sister to the slayer (and a human constantly surrounded by people with super hearing), she'd perfected the skill of lip-reading.

He was talking fast, and flailing his arms, but she made out a few words..."I flashed.." "Dawn is..." "...what's the Initiative?"

"Crap. I am so not up for this," she muttered.

Dawn turned on her heel, pulling off the name badge as she walked toward the door. The assistant manager was standing nearby, helping a customer, and she dropped the badge into his open hand.

He stared at her blankly.

"It just occurred to me, I'm so overqualified for this job...Gotta go."

Dawn picked up speed, making it out to the parking lot in seconds, cell phone already pulled out. So much for her few months living like a normal person. A few ghouls she could deal with, but a random dude in Burbank who happened to know about the Initiative? No thank you. She was leaving that job for someone else.

author: twisted_slinky, fandom: chuck, !2014 august event

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