Title: Heroes Don’t Cry
Author: Mary_Greenman
Verse: D&J (needs a better name).
Part I.
Summary: Every time he closes his eyes, all he can see is Charlie sprawled on the ground with blood seeping from the gunshot wound.
Crossover: Supernatural + Stargate SG-1 + BTVS
Disclaimer:If I owned any, Dawn would have been inserted into the SPN fandom and Jack Jr. would have gotten his own spin off.
Characters: Dawn Summers (read: Winchester), Clone!Jack O’Neill, Sam Winchester.
Timeline: Vaguely post “My Time of Dying” for Supernatural, a year or so after “Fragile Balance” for Stargate SG-1.
Warning: Brief, non-graphic References to torture. Also, very much unbeta'ed. Feel free to point out things that need fixing!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 835
A/N: Originally, I was going to do various crossover but I kind of like this verse and would like to stick to it until I run out of ideas.
Jack doesn’t know what he’s doing here. Dean has made it abundantly clear that he isn’t wanted around. And okay, Jack gets it. He doesn’t have to like it, but he gets it. Dawn isn’t exactly easy to take care of, but she’s a chick. A teenage chick. As much as the old man inside this body wants to punch anybody who so much as looks at Dawn wrong, he can’t. Not without invoking a wrath worst than a Goa’ulds bad temper.
“I miss Carter.” The words are muttered with a sigh. Carter doesn’t have it nearly as bad as Dawn does but, at least he knew she could take care of herself. Absently, he wonders if that’s still true or if things have changed at SGC.
“Dean’s out.” Jack jumps at the sound of the second Winchester and swears.
“Jesus Christ,” he snaps, “I’m going to start attaching whistles to you people.”
Sam laughs but it is a sad, bitter sound as he pats Jack on the shoulder. “Sorry,” he says and it sounds sincere. It always sounds that way with Sam. Jack’s pretty sure that Sam would rival Danny in the epictude that is the puppy dog eyes.
Sam hands him a cup of coffee as a peace offering and Jack is grateful. It’s been a while since he’s slept. Days. Every time he closes his eyes, all he can see is Charlie sprawled on the ground with blood seeping from the gunshot wound.
Silence stretches for a while. It isn’t the same kind of silence Dean uses to try and intimidate him but Jack has never been a fan. Still, he can’t help but sway his body a little. It takes putting the cup to his lips to stop himself from whistling. Somehow, whistling feels wildly inappropriate when there is nobody he wants to annoy. Maybe if it was Dean, but this is Sam and an entirely different ball game.
“You should go in,” Sam says, “She’ll want to see you.”
“Yeah.” Jack stretches the word, staring down at the tip of the white cap. His eyes trace the Starbucks label on the lid. He misses the days of bad coffee and losing a sparring match with his Jaffa friend. He misses blocking out Sam’s smart-people talk and dragging Daniel out of Stargate Command when the good doctor starts to stink of sweat and worry. He misses the days when earth was safe. Well, as safe as it ever was.
The truth is, Jack isn’t sure Dawn wants to see him ever again. He hadn’t been able to save her, hadn’t been good enough, fast enough. His ears ring in memory and he tries to block out the sound.
Sam is staring at him, like he expects something. Like he’s wrong. It’s the same look Old Jack sported when they found out he was just a clone. Jack stares back at Sam, unyielding.
“So,” he says again, turning towards the door. “I should…” He gestures in the general direction of Dawn’s room and disappears before Sam can penetrate him with that damning look.
Pale and Weak isn’t a description he thought would ever fit Dawn but there she was all pale and weak and so very, very wrong. Jack flashes back to Daniel, dying in SGC. He can’t go through that again, even if it’s Ascension. He can’t lose one of his people.
“Jack?” He is fully aware that he’s staring at Dawn, that he’s on the verge of shaking. Pull yourself together. The thought squares his shoulders and all Jack can do is stare at his friend.
“Hi.” The wavering smile is so very close to a lie and he hates it. He wants her to be okay, he wants them to be okay but he knows they won’t ever be the way they were before.
“Hi.” Croaked and broken, Jack knows that this sound is from all the screaming. He blinks away the memory, pushes the sound out of his mind. He’s seen so much worse. This should not affect him but the next thing he knows, Dawn is pulling him to the bed and they’re holding onto each other for dear life. They sit like this for a good, long while.
Until: “That kid. He was really dead, right?”
“Yeah,” Dawn sounds on the verge of apology but all Jack can think of is the ringing in his ears and the screaming.
“There isn’t - I don’t know, a spell or something to fix possession? ” He’s still skeptical of the Winchester story. Aliens and Stargates he gets. Demons and ghosts seem a little too much like a b-class horror movie.
Dawn doesn’t say anything. He already knows the answer. He wishes he didn’t. Jack doesn’t like this world where demons wearing children as masks, steal his sons eyes and, torture his friends because of their family connection. This world is wrong and evil and all Jack wants is to go back to the reality where he plays hero.