Final Standings and Winners!! :)

Sep 01, 2010 22:33

First, thanks to all the writers that participated in this round of the August Fic a Day challenge!

Winners for the Themed Challenge - 2-way tie for first goes to kerrykhat and beri_fanfic!

Winner for the regular 31-31 challenge goes to rosie1234! With ramenth coming in 2nd with 30/31 days, and jerseyfabulous coming in 3rd with 29/31 days!

Banners for those that wrote 31 in 31 will be coming shortly from avamclean. I will be contacting kerrykhat and beri_fanfic about their prizes.

Regular Challenge:
rosie1234 - 31/31 days
Ramenth - 30/31 days
jerseyfabulous - 29/31 days
nestdweller - 26/31 days
IndraLeigh - 24/31 days
Laney_1974 - 12/31 days
jedibuttercup - 9/31 days
rivulet027 - 2/31 days
maevebran - 1/31 days

Theme Challenge:

kerrykhat - 31/31 days
beri_fanfic - 31/31 day

!mod post

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