Title: Packing
Word Count: 344
Rating: 15
Setting: Eureka/BTVS/The Good Wife
Disclaimer: Eureka belongs to Syfy, Buffy belongs to Joss Whedon, the good wife belongs to CBS.
Summary: Time has a way of passing by faster than you realize.
A/N: I’ve mentioned this a few times, but just to reiterate, these are not being told in order.
“Can you believe it’s already over?” Zoe asked her roommate as she began to load another suitcase with a pile of clothes.
“Yes, Zoe,” Dawn sighed, “I can believe it’s over. Just like I could the last five times. The year wasn’t that short!”
“I know, I know, it’s just… Freshman year! It’s already over! You’re going to come visit me this summer, right?” Zoe looked at her roommate hopefully as she crammed more clothes into one of her suitcases.
Dawn shrugged, “If I can get away? Totally, but, you know Buffy.”
Zoe stared back at Dawn expectantly.
“Right. You don’t know Buffy,” The once-again-brunette realized after a minute.
Zoe nodded slowly. Even after a year, she still wasn’t sure Dawn was quite… all there.
“Well… You should come visit and meet her,” Dawn continued absently as she shifted through the mostly empty closet.
“If I can get away,” Zoe stood up and glared at her suitcase.
Dawn sighed as she carefully folded another pair of pants. Most of their room was already packed away in boxes to store over the summer. This had been a long, but fun year, she realized. Not what she’d expected from her first year in college, but fun. Zoe had been a good room mate.
Dawn turned around and smirked at Zoe, “Having trouble?”
“Stupid thing wont fit!” She muttered.
Dawns smirk widened slowly, “It’s your own fault. You didn’t have to change your wardrobe…”
“Yes I did!” Zoe sputtered, “You locked my clothes in the closet!”
“You did it to me first,” Dawn replied evenly, still grinning.
“… touché.”
“Just… ugh,” Zoe sighed, “Get over here and sit on this or something! It’s the last one! It has to fit!”
Dawn nodded regally before sitting down on top of the suitcase.
“Seriously, though, you should come out. You’d like Eureka.”
“Alright,” Dawn smiled, “I think I’ll take you up on that.”