Title: You Know of a Guy Named Luthor?
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Summary: Clark stops into the SWCI house for a visit with Xander.
Timeline/Setting: post season seven for Buffy.
“Xander there's a guy at the door wanting to talk to you.” Kate said to feet and legs that disappeared under one of the large sinks in the laundry room in the SWCI building.
“Did you get a name Kate?” Xander said twisting to reach his tool box.
“No but he's really cute.”
“If his name's Clark bring him here and if not he can wait in the living room.” Kate left as Xander's hand felt around for the screwdriver he wanted.
“Flathead or phillips?”
Xander answered Clark's question, glad to hear his friend. “The phillips with the yellow electrical tape around it.”
Xander had met Clark Kent when he was visiting a possible student in Metropolis and had been kidnapped with Lois Lane. Superman rescued them, but Xander asked the caped man to wait and allow the slayer Xander had brought along to rescue them. Later in that trip Xander and Clark had a chance to talk and spend some time together that wasn't in a life threatening situation.
“What are you doing?” Clark asked, he had come to town for a visit and to write a follow up article to Lois's interview.
Tightening a pipe connection Xander explained, “Water keeps leaking from this connection and After the girls pick out what ever color or style the want in here I'm going to replace the whole sink. All done. Hey, do you know of guy named Lex Luthor?”
“I know him.”
“Don't care for him? Pull me out from under here would you please?” Xander said. Clark grabbed Xander's belt and slid him out from under the sink counter, “He showed up about a month ago. He said he wanted to buy the school and finance all of it.”
“I don't trust him and I don't think he is the kind and great business man he appears to be.” Clark said, carefully choosing each word.
“More than a gut instinct?” Xander asked scratching his stomach.
“Yes but nothing I can take to the police.”
Willow stepped into the laundry room with a couple of cookies in hand, “Hey, cookies are out of the oven. Hi, I'm Willow.”
“Willow, that Luthor guy, so not of the good and kind. Have fun snooping for dirt, but be careful.” Xander said sitting up and gathering his tools, “Clark you bad better hurry if you want some cookies, and could you bring me one please?”
After Clark disappeared, leaving a breeze that rustled some girls unmentionables drying on a line.
“Glasses as a costume? Silly man.” Willow chuckled.
“Maybe not a costume when you have witchy decoder glasses.” Xander laughed.