Title: Tatooine: The Missing Years: Fall
Author: Beriaearwen
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to J. Whedon, etc. The characters of Star Wars belong to G. Lucas, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Star Wars
Pairing: Buffy Summers / Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: PG13 - suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 726
Note: I didn't use fall as the season, but as the verb. Hope that still qualifies. :-)
After a month of adjusting to life in this new place - Buffy still wasn't sure if it was a new planet, galaxy, dimension or all of the above - she finally convinced Ben to take her further away from their home to help her learn about her new world.
He'd explained about his position, how he was being hunted and had been charged with the protection of a child. She understood that he couldn't use his special powers, which he referred to as the Force, but she needed to travel, to move.
After two days of pleading, they were preparing for a few days away to learn the land. The excitement Buffy felt seemed almost foreign to her, but she shrugged it off. She'd been feeling a lot of things she hadn't in a long time recently. She blamed it on Ben. Without question, she needed to find a way to thank him.
He'd been very careful to instruct her in the local life forms and what to expect on the surface of the desert planet. She absorbed the information and tried to suppress the slayer portion of her who really wanted to run into some Tuscan Raiders. Her slayer self really, really wanted a good fight.
They set out several hours before dawn, taking advantage of the cool night. Setting out now would help make up for the time they would be missing from mid-morning to mid-afternoon when it would be too hot and dangerous to travel.
As they stepped out of Obi-Wan's home, Buffy couldn't help the brilliant smile that spread across her face. Turning to face Ben, she almost laughed at the dazed expression on his face upon seeing her smile.
Reaching out, she grabbed his hand and gave it a slight tug. “Come on,” she encouraged. “Let's go see what we can see.
The evening of the second day of their journey found them in battle with a group of Sand People.
They hadn't taken the duo by surprise exactly, but Buffy hadn't realized what they were. Over the years on Earth, she developed what all the slayers referred to as their “demon radar” or “slaydar”, but the Raiders didn't feel the same as demons. That was why she hadn't said anything to Obi-Wan until it was too late.
Now they were fighting for their lives.
Watching Ben out of the corner of her eyes, Buffy couldn't help but be impressed by both his skill and his weapon. He'd given her a blaster, but she really wasn't a distance fighter. She did her best work up-close and personal and blasters just weren't conducive to that.
Of course, now that she'd stolen one of the Sand People's staffs, she felt in her element.
Just as she finished off her last opponent, she saw Obi-Wan take a cruel hit to the head. She could tell he was dazed. He stumbled backward toward the edge of the cliff.
Only two steps away, she watched in horror as the creature hit Obi-Wan in the chest and forced him over the edge of the cliff.
“No!” Buffy cried, blasting the Sand Person with one hand while diving to the ground, reaching out with the other toward her falling friend. Feeling determination build, she cried out “No!” putting all her will behind her desire for him to stop falling and come back.
She gasped when she realized that it was actually happening.
Pushing that emotion aside, she continued focusing on Obi-Wan and pulling him up to her. After a few seconds, she began to feel a bit of strain, but, gritting her teeth she continued on with her mission. Whatever this was, she would pay the price in order to save Ben.
Finally, with Buffy panting and sweating slightly with effort, Obi-Wan arrived within arm's reach. Taking advantage of that, Buffy quickly pulled him onto the solid ground of the cliff beside her before laying on her back beside him.
Closing her eyes, she just rested for a few minutes and enjoyed the relief she felt at having her friend safe by her side.
Eventually, she felt his eyes on her and cracked hers open to see his thoughtful and fairly serious looking face. “What?”
“It would appear that we have a few things we need to discuss.”