Title: Family Secrets - 31: Mrs. Frederick (Warehouse 13)
Author: Beriaearwen
Word Count: 344
Crossover: Warehouse 13 / Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: None
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: "Warehouse 13" belongs to Syfy Network, etc. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" belongs to J. Whedon, etc. Both are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Mrs. Frederick (Warehouse 13)
For countless generations her family served the Watcher's Council. Even before they were called the Watcher's Council, her family served the Slayer. Since the inception of America, the Council used the distant colonies as a place to store some of the more dangerous artifacts in their possessions. Her ancestors came with them and stayed.
Originally, the items were stored in New Jersey, but things got a little hot there, magically speaking, by the beginning of the nineteenth century. With the resources available, her ancestors sent out searchers. They finally found a tribe in the north-central part of the continent that understood the war the Council fought and was willing to share space with them.
Later, that place would become South Dakota. With statehood came an alliance with the United States government. They would provide agents and work with the Frederick family to guard the artifacts, but the artifacts themselves would remain the property of the Watcher's Council. Over the years, the location had been renamed Warehouse 13.
A few years before, there had been a huge shake-up at the council. During that time, she kept her head down and kept quiet. Her first priority remained keeping these artifacts safe and out of circulation.
Keeping a close eye on things, she let out a sigh of relief when she finally found out the whole story and the way things were being restructured. Rupert Giles would not have been her first choice for leader of the new Council, but he would do well enough, especially since the Council seemed to be returning to the way things used to be - putting the safety of the world first instead of power gathering.
Re-establishing communications with the Council had gone better than they thought. Mrs. Frederick had been granted almost total autonomy to act as she felt best. She would send reports back to the Council in England and be able to request assistance if needed.
For right now, though, she needed to check up on two new agents who thought they only worked for the Secret Service.