Title : Halloween - Giles
Author : Lyveah
Rating : FR15
Crossover : BtVS/Demon's Diary
Disclaimer : All characters and universe presented here belong to their original owners.
Word Count : 526
Summary : A strange Halloween.
The cries, resounding in the streets of Sunnydale, finally reached the ear of Giles, above the sound of his hifi. He closes his book with a bookmark, he placed it on his coffee table before heading to the window to assess the problem.
There, in the light of lamps, he could see where the shouts, which reached him now with clarity, came. Cries of horror, panic, pain ... Sunnydale's streets were filled with strange monsters, it was a mess.
'Yes, Chaos is the word to describe this,' Giles thought seeing two little demons attacking a small fairy. "But what sort ... and ...?" he murmured aloud.
He had not felt that another mage of chaos has come to Sunnydale and normally, Halloween was a quiet night.
"Aah ... if you want to know it is simple, just ask," a voice whispered abroad.
"Who are you ? Show you," Giles retorted while getting closer of the furniture where he kept some of his weapons.
"Me ? But with great pleasure," a joyful voice, who now appears to come from a book with glasses, a big smile and "cheek" pink, said. "I am a 'Curator of Knowledge', and if you want I can not only tell you what is this ritual, but also how to stop it."
"And you want 'what' in exchange ?" Giles replied sarcastically.
"Fair access to your library to expand my knowledge," he always answered merrily.
"Is that all"?" the human asked suspiciously
"That's all." the book replied without take offense.
"Hmm ... we have an agreement," he concluded after he cleaned off his glasses. "Let's make a Pact then. My name is Rupert Giles."
"As for me, I have the honor of being named Joaquim Fernando Alexis Reinhardt Huperion Fersey From Grandvirus. But call me just Grandvirus," the book answered, and the Pact is sealed in a flash of light.
Giles rubbed his eyes, caught by surprise by the flash, and reopened them to find the book floatting to a few centimeters from her eyes, looked fixedly.
"As dictated by our agreement, I will give you the knowledge of this ritual and how to break it. It should not be difficult ... especially for someone like you," the book says before to open up and let out a strong light.
*** A few minutes later ***
"So, do you feel good ?" asked Grandvirus, always cheerful.
"Yes, it is perfect, this resurgence was perfect Grandvirus, I am finally myself again," Ripper said.
"It is nothing... HAHAHA... I must return to the Palace before Sire Raenef become irritated, have fun ... HAHAHAHAHA," he concluded before disappear with a big laugh.
"What good idea !! And if I went to visit dear Ethan, he should know that I do not like that people poach on my land," he muttered. Taking his jacket and leaving home, he headed for the familiar magical presence that he felt, without give any attention to the monsters who parted in his path, nor be concerned about what had happened to his students.
Ripper, one of the most powerful mage of chaos, was awake and that announced nothing good for anyone.