31Aug22 - Digits

Aug 31, 2022 18:34

Title: Digits
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Mission Impossible
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word count: 1032
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Mission Impossible belong to Bad Robot Productions, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended
Notes: August goes by so quickly and with a lot of fun fic. Thank you to all the authors for contributing, all the people who commented and encouraged, and all the mods for all you do to make this possible.

Summary: "I wouldn't try it," Faith warned.

By Beriaearwen

The footsteps were moving away. Now it was just a matter of waiting for... Yes. The squeaky board.

Opening his eyes, he waited until all was still once more before silently lowering himself from his hidden position. With great care, he slipped down the hall to the room he needed.

His eyes had long adjusted to the moonlight illuminating the study.

He was a step away from the desk when he felt the air behind him shift less than a second before he felt the point of what he knew to be a dagger rest against his chest, in perfect position to pierce his heart.

Instinctively, he tensed for a millisecond before relaxing his muscles for a fight.

The point of the dagger pressed harder into his back.

"I wouldn't Ethan," a sultry feminine voice said.

His shoulders relaxed as the light flicked on and the lithe form of a younger slayer slipped through the window that was his primary retreat. He felt a stronger than usual hand land on his shoulder and the dagger retreat as he was spun around. Knowing that Faith was seeing Benji's face.

She snorted in amusement. "Nice try, but you're not Benji."

Letting out a sigh, he reached back to remove the mask. "How did you know?" he asked, keeping his body loose and his senses on high alert. He could still escape.

"I wouldn't try it," Faith warned. "There wasn't a lot of action tonight and some of the mini's may not be able to pull their punches."

Eathan winced, remembering more than one occasion where a slayer strength punch had landed by accident.

"What are you after anyway?" Faith asked, motioning the younger girls to leave them as she slipped her arm through Ethan's and leading him toward the kitchen. "And stop thinking about ways to escape me. I'm not in the mood tonight and you don't want to piss me off."

Knowing Faith was in no way joking and having experience with her being pissed off at him, Eathan tried to relax for real. He really hated that so many people here could read him so easily and that, even after knowing them for five years, he still hadn't succeeded on any mission, and, despite the arguments against it, he and his team very much wanted to succeed in this mission. Though there was still hope of success, he thought until he walked into the kitchen and found the rest of his team sitting around the table. "Really?" he asked, exasperated.

Faith shrugged. "What would you like to drink? We've got a while before Giles and Buffy are back. They'll want to speak to you. Again."

"Coffee," Ethan grumbled, taking a seat at the table.

"Cake? Pie?" Faith called over her shoulder.

Eathan shot a glare at her back until he caught sight of one of the cakes. "Is that lemon?"

It was about forty minutes later when Giles walked in with Ilsa on his arm and let out a sigh. "Mr. Hunt. While I understand your compulsion to 'test our security', I would appreciate you having the courtesy to do so on a non-date night."

Ethan opened his mouth to respond when he was hit on the forehead with a ball of paper. Startled, he turned to find himself faced with a glaring Buffy Summers and a not-happy William Brandt. Given that his tie was slightly askew, and her hair was less than perfect, he could do nothing but wince. "Sorry," he offered.

"We are not the ultimate impossible mission," Buffy growled at him.

"We know," Benji grumbled from his seat, sending his own glare at Ethan.

That was the moment Talia came in with Luther in tow. "Here's another one," she offered.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Luther cried as she finally released his arm from the armlock, she had it in. He rubbed his wrist and glared at Ethan. "They're definitely not amused," he grumbled, taking a seat and finding a cup of herbal tea and a slice of carrot cake appear before him. He turned his head and smiled at Faith who shot him a small smile and a wink in return.

"We'll find anyone else as well," Buffy warned. "And Bethany broke down pretty quickly in the hallway when we came back from our date." Everyone winced at that, Buffy just looked upset.

"Can't really blame her," William murmured into her ear, earning him a very light elbow to his side.

"You this could all be avoided if you just give us the telephone number," Eathan offered.

Rupert removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. Buffy sighed and leaned her head on William's shoulder. Faith snorted in amusement.

"We are not giving you his number," Giles stated. "Please stop trying to find it. It's not stored in my office anyway and anything you might think you could steal to use as trade would also fail. Please stop this nonsense."

Ethan's jaw clenched and the other members of the IMF looked grim and resigned.

Business out of the way and both sides knowing this wasn't the end of it, the couples left the room and the IMF agents finished their desserts and drinks while chatting with Faith and a few other Slayers and Watchers who happened to wander in.


Later that night, the team, having worked through the various protections they'd put up, entered their suite.

They were discussing how they'd each been caught and what they could change next time as well as where else they should search when Eathan stopped. The others looked to see what was wrong.

On the coffee table in the seating area was a piece of paper sitting under a rock that most definitely had not been there when they left.

Walking over, Eathan looked at the note without touching it. A smile broke out on his face.

"What is it?" Benji asked.

"It's a note," he stated. "It says, 'No one hurts my girls. X' and the phone number is below it."

Smiles were exchanged among the group. Apparently, their persistence had finally paid off. Now they had a whole new set of plans to make, provided no assigned missions came up.


!2022 august event, author: beriaearwen, fandom: mission impossible

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