Aug 30, 2022 - In the Afterlife, Ch 6 (FR-13)

Aug 30, 2022 22:54

Aug 30, 2022 - In the Afterlife, Ch 6 (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: **Part of the 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge** Buffy and Tony tour Sunnydale
Crossover: MCU, Avengers
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 839
Challenge: for the livejournal 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Timeline: post season 5 for BtVS, post EG for MCU
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. MCU characters belong to Marvel, Disney et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Summers’ home

As Tony was driving back from the store, he found Buffy sitting on the front steps, crying. He quickly went inside to put the refrigerated stuff away, then came back to comfort her.

“She wants me to be grateful they brought me back and doesn’t even understand the trouble she’s caused because of the money stuff!” Buffy managed to get out through her sobs. “I told them to move out because I’m so angry right now.”

“Maybe it will shock her into realizing she screwed up,” Tony offered, not sure he believed it, but wanting it to be true for Buffy’s sake. “Why don’t we call Giles and give him the total, then you can give me a tour of the town.”

“I can’t face them right now,” Buffy argued, shaking her head and glancing at the door over her shoulder.

“They weren’t in there when I took the food in,” he assured her. “If they’re upstairs and come down, I’ll play bodyguard until you’re done on the phone.”

That managed to get a wet chuckle out of her; the idea of the Slayer needing a bodyguard.

Giles was shocked when Buffy told him how much money she needed to keep the creditors happy, but he promised to have the funds transferred to her account that day from the store’s at the same bank.

Then he said he was bringing the big guns to the Council to ensure she’d get the financial support she deserved. When she asked, he explained that it was standard policy that the active Watcher had a direct line to the Royal Family in case of emergencies. While this might not strictly fit that definition, he would risk Her Majesty’s displeasure to secure his Slayer’s well-being.


While they drove around the town, Buffy shared various slaying stories tied to places. The clock tower where the Gentlemen’s heads exploded; the high school where too many bad things to count happened, even after they blew it up on graduation day; the tower where she died…Tony vowed to tear that monstrosity down as soon as possible. Why it was still standing was a wonder to him.

“You might like this place; it’s probably the most tech-advanced place in Sunnydale,” Buffy teased. “Granted, that probably doesn’t mean as much to you as it does to us, but it was the lair of a demonic spirit in the computer. Moloch used this place to build himself a body so he could rebuild his cult.”

Tony yanked the wheel sharply to the right and started breathing hard.

Worried, Buffy reached over and shoved the gear stick into neutral, causing them to roll to a stop. Once they were stationary, she put it into park. “What’s wrong?”

“JARVIS…Ultron,” he gasped.

Thinking back on their post-life chats, she remembered the story about his AI that was destroyed when some evil thing went through the firewalls or something on its way to kill off humanity. “Oh, I’m sorry, Tony…I didn’t mean to bring up such bad memories. Tony? Tony!”

He used all the therapy tools he learned to snap himself out of the spiral, calmed his heart rate down and took one last cleansing breath. “I’m okay now.” He looked at the building and asked, “What exactly was this place?”

“A computer research company, I think? It’s been a few years since I’ve been here,” she admitted.

“Anybody around to object to us taking a look inside?” Tony mused, not really caring one way or the other. It might not be 2023 standards of tech, but it didn’t really look stone-aged either. He might be able to salvage some equipment.

“Doubt it,” Buffy said; she never noticed any activity in the area when she did her patrols, which was kind of strange since vamps didn’t care about property ownership rules apart from when it stopped them from entering a place.

They walked through the entire building, including the section where Moloch held Willow hostage. Strangely enough, the memories made Buffy long for the simpler days when her biggest worries were their doomed love lives - and boy, did she ever underestimate how bad things could get back then!

When Tony shouted from the next room, she ran there, ready to fight some remnant of Moloch, but found him staring in awe at a big circle of some kind. “You said this was a computer place, Buffy!” he chided her, but with obvious glee in his voice.

“It was until Moloch took over. Why, what is that thing?” she asked, not understanding why he was so excited.

“This, my sweet little sister from another mister, is a particle accelerator,” Tony cheered while swinging her around in celebration. “Which means I don’t have to build one from scratch! I just need some raw materials to recreate my reactor and synthesize my dad’s element again.”

“That’s wonderful, Tony!” Buffy shouted in happiness. She was thrilled he wouldn’t have to wait and risk dying early because he was brought into the craziness that was her life.

A/N: Sorry this was short, but today was very, very long at work. I was re-watching the episode and listening to Moloch totally had flashing back to Ultron - which makes sense considering Whedon was involved with both baddies - so I figured it would make Tony freak out as well, even if he didn’t hear the voice.

fandom: avengers, author: mmooch, !2022 august event

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