Coffee and Greenhouse

Aug 27, 2022 23:17

Title: Coffee and Greenhouse
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and The Sentinel
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The Sentinel
Summary: Jim finds Willow as she’s starting a project and offers to help.
Warnings: nope.
Timeline/Setting: Sometime after Chosen and after the series ending for Sentinel.
Author's notes(if any): It’s fanfic…. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters.
Over on the TTH site I have a collection of ficlets of the Slayer and Watcher’s Council International (new council) building a school, slayer refuge, whatever it ends up being and I’m planning on making all of this month’s entries in that universe.

Hearing power tool noises in the back yard Jim ambled out of the house carrying a large cup of coffee. Breakfast had recently finished and with no commitments for the weekend he was going to explore the house and yard.

Coming around the side of a small wood shed of mostly windows Jim found Willow with a hand saw and a pile of boards.

“Morning Willow.”

Startled Willow twisted from her low crouch to lose her balance and fall. “Detective Ellison! You startled me!”

Reaching out to take Willow’s hand and pull her up to standing Jim reminded her, “I meant it when I said call me Jim.”

“Sorry. I’m working on it. Can I help with something?”

Jim watched Willow nervously shift her weight from foot to foot. During the tour she gave of the house she didn’t reveal anything about what she had been doing in South America or how she was able to detect a Shaman. Curious and grateful because her identifying Blair as a shaman reassured him that Inchaca wasn’t calling him that just to help him feel better and that Blair wouldn’t be a fraud to think of his self as a shaman.

“Greenhouse! We have an agreement with the neighbors behind the house that we can use this old shed if we keep their lawn mowed in the summer. I claimed the shed and want to use it as a greenhouse. I’ve wanted a greenhouse for a long time and finally have a chance to get one.”

When Willow stopped for a breath Jim asked, “What can I help with then?” and tipped up his mug to drink the last of his coffee.

“Um, help me figure out if I can replace the walls with a bunch of windows or if there is a lot more work to be done. I’m making piles of boards as I find them so I can see what supplies are already here.” Willow explained waving at the weathered shed or garage behind her that was large enough to hold two cars.

“Sure and while we clean out the inside you can tell me about your travels in South America, especially Peru.”

- does anyone have an invite or referral code for Insanejournal they wouldn't mind sharing with me? please and thank you.

fandom: the sentinel, !2022 august event, author: indra leigh

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