August 27: Redirected

Aug 27, 2022 23:59

Title: Redirected
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / Stargate Atlantis
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,113
Timeline: BtVS: S03-ish & SG-1: After Jack became a General & SGA: Season two.
Disclaimer: Nothing copyrighted belongs to yours truly.
Summary: In which there's an unexpected person on the Daedalus. 
Author's Note: Written for Day 27 of the 2022 August Fic-A-Day.
A/N 2: Part 10 / Previous: TtH - AO3 - FF.

Buffy Summers materialized on the bridge of the Daedalus and immediately came face to face with the ship's nearly bald Captain, whose eyes widened at the sight of her. Deciding on the fly that she might as well play into the blonde girl image, she asked in a deadpan voice. "Is this the way to the mall?" And then gave him wide innocent eyes while trying not to laugh. Major Sheppard, who was standing not far from them, snorted.

As the guy in charge appeared to have temporarily lost his voice, Sheppard decided to ask the obvious questions. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be down on Earth beating the daylights out of unsuspecting Marines, and destroying stuff with Teal'c?"

"Hey! I've never damaged them on purpose, and they're the ones who keep coming back. It's not like I forced any of them, they're just gluttons for punishment. And Teal'c and I only accidentally dented one wall. The engineers were able to fix it in a jiffy."

The other man looked between them in confusion and annoyance. "Who are you? And why are you on my ship?" He scrutinized her some more, "I was told I was taking an additional linguist-in-training to Atlantis, not that I was bringing a child along."

It was Buffy's turn to be annoyed, "I'm not a child, Mr. Sceptic. My name is Buffy Summers, and I am a linguist-in-training. I've been working with Daniel." She had also decided to major in Classical Languages in college, even though that had been interrupted.

"It's Colonel Caldwell." She gave a short nod. It was his own fault for not introducing himself sooner. "And you're a little young for that, aren't you?"

"Special circumstances."

Then Sheppard butted in again. "She's from an alternate reality, sir." He then turned to her, "I take it there are politics and someone wanting to use you as guinea pig involved in your sudden intergalactic travel plans?"

Buffy grimaced a little. "Yup. General Jack decided it was getting a little too hot for his taste and it was better for me to be elsewhere, and since this ship is definitely going to a far away elsewhere and out of their reach he made an executive decision. So here I am."

"So he made you Colonel Caldwell's temporary problem and my long-term problem?" He was clearly only half-joking.

"You said it yourself, I really am a linguinst-in-training, AND I can kick anyone's butt blindfolded. So I'm not a problem, I'm useful."

Both officers decided to counter her statement, in unison no less. "You're not qualified by the military." Then they glared at each other. Well, Caldwell glared, first at his subordinate and then at her.

She considered their reply for a moment. "Right. And all the scientists who keep going off-world from Earth to whichever planets are on the menu that day are all military trained." Then she looked Sheppard in the eye, "Are you trying to tell me that Dr. McKay is trained in any kind of military combat and that he passed whatever it was, AND that he is an asset in a fight? Because I have met him, and a ten-year-old could probably beat him up."

Their discussion was interrupted by the Daedalus getting the all-clear to leave Earth's orbit and the two of them were promptly kicked off the bridge by Caldwell. Not that that stopped Sheppard from defending his friend and teammate.

It was a long three weeks before they finally arrived in the Lost City of Atlantis. On the bright side, she got to know Sheppard, Elizabeth, Evan, and several of the others really well. She also got to kick Colonel Caldwell's posterior on the training mats, which was all kinds of fun. Particularly as he didn't take it nearly as badly as she had expected. That wasn't to say that he was graceful about it, but it could've been a lot worse.

Proving her fighting skills did get her training in military combat while they were in space, or at least they started her on it as they had realized that if/when Altantis was attacked she would join the fight. Which in turn lead to Buffy teaching Elizabeth the basics, since she ought to know that at the very least. Elizabeth reciprocated by continuing to teach Buffy Ancient from where Daniel had left off.

It made the days pass a little faster. The little hickup with the alien A.I. had most of them stuck in their quarters for a few days, which none of them had appreciated since it wasn't something they could either hit or shoot. But the bad technology was eventually dealt with, the day was saved, and everyone was let out of their sleeping spaces again.

Watching Atlantis from the bridge of the Daedalus was amazing as they came in closer and closer. Even though she was a little disappointed there was no magic involved. Then all the new and older Atlantis personnel was beamed down.

The first thing Buffy noticed when she materialized in the gateroom not too far from the Atlantis stargate, was a gentle welcoming hum in the back of her mind. There were no words, just the sensation that her arrival in the city was much appreciated by the City herself. Naturally she sent a thought back where she tried to express her gratitude for being there.

"Buffy?" She turned toward Elizabeth and Sheppard, who were both on the stairs leading up to what she assumed was Atlantis' version of a gateroom or maybe more correctly their control room. It had large keyboard-looking consoles at any rate. "Are you coming?"

"Of course. Just taking in the view. I'm not sure what I was expecting really, but this wasn't it."

Elizabeth smiled warmly, "You'll get used to it. The City is an amazing place." She inclined her head toward the higher parts of the room. "Come on, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Buffy easily ascended the stairs, and was greeted by the sight of a dark-skinned woman with red hair and a welcoming smile who was holding one of those small portable computer thingys McKay and the scientists were so fond of.

Elizabeth and Sheppard greeted their friend before turning back to Buffy, "Teyla," Sheppard said, "meet Buffy Summers. She'll be your new sparring partner."

The woman greeted her politely even if she appeared to question the way Buffy had been introduced. "Buffy, meet Teyla Emmagan. She's another member of my team, and a Pegasus native."

A new sparring partner. Clearly there was something else to this woman other than the odd but not unpleasant feeling she gave off.

!2022 august event, author: 3am_moonlight, fandom: stargate atlantis

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