Aug 26, 2022 - In the Afterlife, Ch 5 (FR-13)

Aug 26, 2022 23:40

Aug 26, 2022 - In the Afterlife, Ch 5 (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: **Part of the 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge** Talks get awkward
Crossover: MCU, Avengers
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 777
Challenge: for the livejournal 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Timeline: post season 5 for BtVS, post EG for MCU
Warning: I don’t consider it bashing, but this is decidedly not Willow-friendly, so if that bothers you, I suggest you skip this.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. MCU characters belong to Marvel, Disney et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Summers’ home

They learned a couple things ask they went through the bills. First, almost everything was about to go to collections or be shut off, and second, there were some large purchases that didn’t fit in with businesses in town that Buffy remembered. If it hadn’t been for those, the bills would have been covered for a few more months at least.

When they heard movement upstairs, Buffy told Tony, “Can you go for a walk so I can talk to them privately, please? It might get ugly, and you don’t need to see that.”

“I’ll go get some groceries with what’s left in the account. We need to eat, and the money won’t cover any of the bills enough to matter more than that,’ he responded with a quick squeeze of her hand, trying to convey his support.

She nodded and took the opportunity to meditate so she could try to remain calm for as long as possible.

“Buffy, you’re up!” Tara said in surprise when she walked in ahead of Willow. “We figured you would still be sleeping. Where’s your friend?”

“He’s getting some groceries; he was worried about the lack of food in the house,” the Slayer started the conversation casually to see what their reaction would be.

“Oh, I was going to go tomorrow,” Tara answered as if nothing was wrong.

A glance at Willow didn’t exactly reveal anything either, so Buffy pushed it a little by grabbing the stack of papers off the chair next to her and putting them on the table. That caused a reaction; Willow’s eyes widened in shock and perhaps a little concern - or fear?

“Can you explain this to me, Willow?” Buffy demanded with a touch of anger.

“Maybe we should wait a few days until you’ve recovered from your ordeal in hell,” Willow suggested desperately, subtly reminding Buffy that they rescued her.

Buffy arched an eyebrow at the manipulation/deflection attempt. “One, why do you think I was in hell? Two, if we wait too long, we won’t have a home to talk in, much less any utilities.” As she mentioned the bills, she laid down the warning notices on a separate pile.

“Glory’s portal led to a hell dimension,” Willow answered a bit defiantly. “Where should I have expected you to be?”

At the same time, Tara asked, “Willow, why are there late notices? You said the finances were under control.”

Clenching her hands under the table to control her growing anger, Buffy snapped, “Setting aside the fact that I wasn’t in hell, what was your plan when they shut off the power and repossessed the house?”

“They can’t do that,” Willow replied dismissively. “They have go through a bunch legal stuff first.”

“No, they don’t, Willow,” Tara contradicted. “Sending these notices are all they have to do for the utilities. The foreclosure is a little more drawn out of a process, but they can evict us before it’s over. I’ve watch neighbors back home go through this. The only time they can’t shut off power/heat is during winter months when it becomes a danger of freezing. I suppose maybe in the south, it could same during summer months when it’s too hot. Neither of those are the case here, though.”

“There should have been enough money to get through the new year before you’d have to worry. What did you spend that money on?” Buffy questioned.

“There were a couple items we needed for the resurrection spell--” Willow started to defend herself.

“And you helped yourself to Dawn’s money without asking her?” Buffy yelled. “You couldn’t have asked her because she didn’t know you were trying to bring me back.”

“But it was for her!” Willow screamed back. “She needed you and we did what we had to!”

“I love you, Willow, but that wasn’t your choice to make. The danger was over, and she could have gone to our dad. She should have gone to him.” Buffy closed her eyes in an effort to calm herself. When she opened them again, they were hard. “Thank you both for watching Dawn, but right now I am so angry that I could scream. Until I can stand to be in the same room with you again, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’ll give you a week to pack, but I won’t be around when you’re in the house.”

“Buffy, you can’t--” Willow tried to stop her, but Buffy made good on her promise and stood up to leave the house.

“One week,” she reminded them.

“I’m sorry, Buffy,” Tara said to her back, getting a small nod of acknowledgement.

A/N: I’m not entirely happy with this, but a less emotionally broken Buffy would have stood up for herself and Dawn, I think. Didn’t want to go with the cliché that Willow wasted the money on designer clothes, luxury bedding, etc. but there was definitely something wrong with the finances that Willow didn’t own up to with Giles. I can’t see him deserting Dawn financially…at least the Giles from season 5. Season 6 Giles hasn’t made his bonehead decision yet, so I’m not holding that against him in this story.

fandom: avengers, author: mmooch, !2022 august event

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