Aug 23, 2022 - Buffy’s Pet (FR-13)

Aug 23, 2022 22:29

Aug 23, 2022 - Buffy’s Pet (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Summary: **Part of the 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge** When Clark got a dog, Buffy got a cat…sort of.
Crossover: MCU, Captain Marvel, Smallville
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 675
Challenge: for the livejournal 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Timeline: pre-series for BtVS (massively AU), kind of pre-series for Smallville; move the timelines for all three fandoms to match up.
A/N: Inspired by a couple other FaD stories I read tonight; decided to do a mash of them. Let’s see if the authors can tell. Very little dialogue in tonight’s story.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. MCU characters belong to Marvel, Disney et al. Smallville characters belong to DC et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Kent Farm

It might have been different if they hadn’t adopted Buffy first. After all, bringing a daughter into a house with an alien boy who had superstrength wasn’t quite the same as the reverse. It wasn’t as if they could give Clark away when they found out about his…uniqueness.

But when they bothered to consider what ifs, they knew they would have done it regardless who came first. Joyce was Martha’s sister, and you didn’t turn family away in their time of need. It did seem odd that both of them would die from barbecue fork accidents on the same night, especially when they didn’t even have a grill at their home, but that was the determination of the police.

Rather than paying to have the bodies shipped to Kansas, Martha arranged to have them cremated and picked up the ashes at the same time they signed for custody of Buffy. They would scatter the ashes or inter them when she was old enough to understand what was going on.

The meteor storm hit the town when she was five years old.

When Jonathan and Martha brought Clark home with them, she immediately fell in love with her baby brother, easing their fears about her being jealous. There were some moments of sibling rivalry, but mostly she took her older sister role seriously. Anyone who upset Clark got a pint-sized glare from the little blonde, which probably would have been scarier if she didn’t have a flower halo on top of her head most of the time.

One potential problem arose when Clark turned six and asked for a dog for his birthday. When he got a golden retriever, Buffy looked betrayed; they never gave her the option of getting a pet for Christmas or her birthday. Clark noticed her unhappiness and suggested that she needed a pet, too.

Between the twin sad eyes sent their way - and the fact they did feel bad about not considering Buffy would want a pet - Jonathan and Martha quickly agreed, as long as it wasn’t another dog. Training two of them at the same time would be far too much work.

The next day, the family went to the shelter and looked at the cats. Buffy’s attention was drawn to an orange tabby in the corner.

“Watch out, that one’s not real friendly!” the volunteer warned, only to be shocked at how the animal instantly ran to the edge of the cage to allow Buffy to pet her. “Wow, she generally just hisses at people.” He carefully walked over and opened the door to let them cuddle.

Even more surprising was the whole family got the purring treatment. “I guess she wants to be your pet,” he commented, earning a hiss from the feline.

Buffy stared down and read the name tag. “No, I think Goose wants us to be her humans,” she corrected him, causing Goose to stretch up and lick her on the cheek in agreement. “Can we get her, Mommy?” she pleaded, knowing Daddy would agree if Mommy did.

“Yes. They can sleep in your rooms at night, but other than that, but both of the animals have to stay outside, and you have to clean up any messes they make inside,” she told both children.

A month later, Buffy was convinced she had the best…pet…ever! A coyote was getting into the chicken run and killing their best egg-layers. One morning she was chasing Goose because she was afraid the coyote was close by and would kill her as well. It was there, but as soon as it got within ten feet of Goose, her mouth opened wide, tentacles snatched the predator and dragged it back into Goose’s body.

“Oh my goodness!” Buffy yelled in excitement, not realizing that maybe she should be afraid of what clearly wasn’t a normal cat after all. “Goose, you are the coolest! Can you do that anytime a predator goes after our farm animals?”

She took the tilted head and exasperated look in Goose’s eyes as a yes.

A/N: Yes, I’m saying Goose is a girl.

fandom: smallville, fandom: captain marvel, author: mmooch, !2022 august event

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