Meeting with the Boss

Aug 22, 2022 23:22

Title: Meeting with the Boss
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and The Sentinel
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The Sentinel
Summary: Jim’s not sure what to expect when Giles requests a meeting.
Warnings: nope.
Timeline/Setting: Sometime after Chosen and after the series ending for Sentinel.
Author's notes(if any): It’s fanfic…. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters.
Over on the TTH site I have a collection of ficlets of the Slayer and Watcher’s Council International (new council) building a school, slayer refuge, whatever it ends up being and I’m planning on making all of this month’s entries in that universe.

Standing in the hallway two long steps away from Giles’s office door Jim took a deep breath and quickly did a last check for smells, or noises that didn’t belong or anything to be suspicious. At lunch Giles had asked Jim to come to his office sometime that afternoon when he was free. Being called to the boss’s office for unknown reasons was cause for concern.

Standing in the hall Jim reached into the office to knock on the open door. “You asked to see me Mr. Giles?”

Giles looked up form the papers on his desk, confused for a moment before remembering his earlier request to the former police detective. “Jim, yes thank you. Come in and close the door please.”

Watching Giles stack up his papers and put them into folder Jim pushed the door closed behind him as he sat in one of the empty chairs in front of Giles’s desk. Dropping the stack of folders on a bookcase behind him Giles reached into a desk drawer and brought out a book.

Not seeing enough of the book to recognize the book Jim wasn’t sure how worried he needed to be. He kept an ear on Blair’s heartbeat as Giles leaned forward and started to talk.

“We spent some time in England going to every estate sale or asked people who inherited library contents from old council members. This book and some others came from an estate sale where there were no heirs and we bought all the books. Dawn worked on keeping records of where all the books came from and Willow brought this one to me along with the information of who it had it before we did. Willow said this book needs to go in your personal library, since she didn’t want books to disappear without mine or Dawn’s approval she brought it to me.”

Giles and Jim stared at each other for a long awkward moment before Jim inquired, “Giles, what book is it?”

“Oh. Here.” Not explaining Giles lifted the thick book up that he had pulled out of his desk drawer and held it out toward Jim.

Gently taking the book Jim didn’t see any information on the cover of the thick old book with uneven pages. Opening the cover and having to turn a couple pages until he found handwriting indicating personal notes of Richard Burton notes of South America.

“Have you read this? Who’s read this? How did you get this?”

Giles wasn’t sure how the pleasant and protective man was talking the presentation of the book. “I’ve looked through it for quick review or looking for keywords if you would, so if I found other books on that topic I could pass them on to you. I would be very surprised if anyone other than Willow’s read any of it. We got to a different book from that estate first and kept the rest of them out of reach of anyone except for the ‘not watchers’ the new slayer’s have called us. I asked Willow to write out any information she and Dawn have on the history and origin of that book.”

As Jim gently closed the book Giles set an envelop on the far side of the desk. “Giles, this book means a lot to both Blair and myself. To me it means a lot you’re not asking why or trying to memorize it.”

“I haven’t known you long Jim. You and Blair but you both have proven to be trustworthy and protective of everyone here. She didn’t say why it should be in your safekeeping but wanted me to do it so I wouldn’t make a fuss about a missing book in the ‘employee’s only’ part of the library. I also trust you in the case that that book or information in it saves the world you would do what you can to share the it or save the world.”

Nodding and carefully standing up Jim held out a hand to Giles. Shaking Giles’s hand as he held the new treasure close, Jim’s voice was slightly huskier than when he started the conversation. “Thank you again. For more that you know.”

fandom: the sentinel, !2022 august event, author: indra leigh

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