August 22 - Goodbye to Charming (BtVS/Sons of Anarchy)

Aug 22, 2022 22:02

Title: Goodbye to Charming
Author: Glitterangelem
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sons of Anarchy
Characters: Kennedy, Gemma, Jax, Tara
Rating: PG
Word Count: 920
Summary: Kennedy's had enough of Charming.

The sound of a motorcycle revving pulled Kennedy out of her dreams, instant awareness kicking in as the engine died abruptly in front of the house.  By the time the front door opened, she was sitting on the edge of the couch, putting her earrings back in.  The blanket and pillow she used were already neatly folded and placed over the arm of the couch.

A man and woman walked through the door, the man tall with long blond hair and quite the swagger, the woman shorter than him by a number of inches, her long brown hair pulled up in a ponytail.   He eyed Kennedy warily, silently appraising her.

“Nice truck,” said the man, tilted his head back towards the front of the house.  “Yours?”

“Yeah, it’s mine,” Kennedy replied, crossing her arms across her chest at the distinct unwelcome feeling she was getting from him.  “Why?”

“’Cause it’s a little unusual to see an unfamiliar truck in front of my mom’s house, and find an equally unfamiliar woman sitting on the couch,” he replied, a bite in his tone.

Her eyes narrowed, head tilting to the side as she gauged his meaning behind the words.  Deciding to play nice - for the moment - she said, “Gemma needed a little help last night, and I happened to be in the right spot at the right time.”

“Help?  With what?” His tone increased in aggressive and he took a step forward, as if to intimidate an answer out of her.  All it did was stoke her rising anger, and she opened her mouth to fire back a retort -

“With nothing important,” interrupted Gemma as she strode into the room, her tone sharp.  “Just some womanly things.”

That shut the man down, and in any other situation, Kennedy would be amused.  But the tension in the room did not allow for such frivolity.  Gemma headed towards the table, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and lighting up, taking a drag before looking at the others in the room.  “Jax, Tara, this is Kennedy.”

“Nice to meet you,” Tara said, stepping forward to take hold of Kennedy’s hand in a firm handshake.  Jax tilted his head towards in her in acknowledgment.  “Same.”

The conversation died as Gemma took another drag, Tara looking between Gemma and Jax in uncertainty.  Deciding she had overstayed her welcome, Kennedy shrugged.  “Whelp, it’s been good to meet all of you, but I should keep on my drive."

“We could use someone like you here in Charming,” Gemma said, arching an eyebrow as Kennedy.  “Somebody with your…strength.”

It was and threat and everybody in the room knew it, though only two of them had the knowledge behind the threat.  Kennedy could feel the questions radiating off both Jax and Tara, knew their interest was piqued.  She knew Gemma was the type of person to hoard knowledge, utilizing it for their own purposes.

Unfortunately for Gemma, she was not someone who could be easily menaced.  Baring her teeth in a smile, Kennedy replied, “Unfortunately, I’m already employed.  And my employer offers me very good care.”

Gemma’s expression darkened at the rejection, her voice clipped as she said, “You should be careful if you end up in Charming again.  You never know what can happen here.”

Taking that as her cue, Kennedy gave her one more toothy smile, nodding at both Jax and Tara.  “I should get on the road.  Long drive ahead of me today.”

Without another word, Kennedy grabbed her bag and walked out the door, shoulders stiff with tension as she waited for one of them to make a move.  Only when she passed through the threshold of the door and down the driveway towards her truck, did she allow herself to relax ever so slightly.

As she opened the door to the truck, a flash of light near the house caught her eye.  Turning ever so slightly, keeping track of her surroundings, she couldn’t help the surprised look on her face as Tara walked slowly out, her steps uncertain a she approached Kennedy.

“I’m sorry.  For Gemma, back there,” Tara said, “Gemma’s a bit…”

“I know what Gemma is,” Kennedy said flatly, throwing her bag so it landed on the passenger seat of the truck.  “And I’d be careful with her, if I were you.  Woman like that?  Never change.”

Tara did not have a response for that, and only backed up as Kennedy pulled herself into the truck and closed the door.  Turning the key, the engine purred to life, and she rolled down the window.  With a silent sigh to herself, knowing it was potentially a bad idea, Kennedy grabbed a notepad and pen, scribbling her name and number before handing it to Tara.  “You ever need any help, you give me a call.”

Hesitantly taking the paper, Tara nodded.

“And be careful, yourself,” Kennedy added.  Loath as she was to reveal the attack Gemma had sustained the previous night, part of her felt Tara needed the heads up.  “The type of guys that set up an attack like the one I saved Gemma from last night?  Won’t be stopping just at her.”

Before Tara could ask anymore details, Kennedy gave her a tight smile and nod, slowly pulling away from the house.  As she made her way down the road, and out of Charming, she decided she that, even when she returned to Cleveland and got back into the Council work, she would keep an eye and ear out for Charming.

Just in case.

!2022 august event, author: glitterangelem, fandom: sons of anarchy

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