22 Aug 22 - Why I Won't Drink In Vegas Ever Again

Aug 22, 2022 20:39

Title: Why I Won’t Drink In Vegas Ever Again
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / How I Met Your Mother
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1051
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of How I Met Your Mother belong to CBS, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Note: I never watched much of How I Met Your Mother and I’m not entirely sure where this Idea came from, but here it is. I couldn’t think of anything better for tonight.

Summary: It’s a well known fact that angry people do stupid things.

Why I Won’t Drink In Vegas Ever Again
By Beriaearwen

She wouldn’t have been in Las Vegas to begin with if there hadn’t been that small apocalypse which took most of the rest of the first-contact people away.

Of course, she wouldn’t have volunteered to go to Las Vegas if she and Kennedy hadn’t had a rather loud and fierce argument where things that probably shouldn’t be said were said and couldn’t be taken back.

Then again, they wouldn’t have fought if Kennedy had stayed how like she wanted and they hadn’t run into her parents who were in town for a conference.

All that together left her angry and frustrated. Then there was the new Slayer who popped up in Las Vegas, but she’d gotten there too late to see the girl, so she’d checked into her hotel, hit the dining room and ordered an aperitif, a couple glasses of wine with dinner, a digestif and then visited the bar. At least she thought she visited the bar. Things were pretty blurry by that point.

Now she was laying in a bed in a room not hers with a body next to her, thankfully breathing, who smelled about as alcohol-saturated as she did.

Having already checked, Willow felt almost positive that nothing happened last night since she was still dressed, but, still, waking up in a strange room next to a stranger in Las Vegas with… Yep, it was still there. With a ring on her finger that hadn’t been there the previous night, didn’t bode well.

She would need to look up annulment laws here in Las Vegas. She thought it would be pretty easy, but that would all need to wait until the room, her head and her stomach all stopped spinning in different directions.

A groan drew her attention to the body next to her.

At least it was a female body, or she assumed it was given the slight shape and the higher-pitched groan.

“I’m never drinking again,” the woman moaned whisper-soft.

“Especially not in Vegas,” Willow added, announcing her presence.

She was stunned silent a moment later when the woman turned and she found herself looking into her own face.

Headache, nausea and discomfort forgotten, she sat upright in the bed, her mouth dropping open and her eyes going wide.

The expression was mirrored on the other woman’s face as well.

Willow’s mind started racing as to what had happened. Shape shifter? Alternate reality? Spell gone wrong?

“Wait. Why do you look like me?” the woman asked, her accent different than Willow’s.

“That’s what I’d like to know,” she replied.

“Oh. Ow,” the other woman moaned as she tried to get out of the bed. “We need coffee and aspirin before discussing this.’

“Coffee and I are unmixy things,” Willow demured.

The other woman stared at her. “Trust me. You’ll want it.” Then she staggered to the in-room four-cup coffee pot and set about making coffee, though she was none too steady on her feet.

“What’s your name?” the woman asked, eyes glued to the black liquid just now appearing in the pot.

“Willow Rosenberg. You?”

“Lily Aldrin. Where are you from?”

“Sunnydale, California originally, but recently from Sao Paulo in Brazil. You?”

“New York.”

“What year were you born?” Willow asked, wondering if her parents might have been hiding something.

“1978. You?”

“1981,” she admitted. So she was actually younger.

The coffee pot started spitting the last few drops of coffee and Lily quickly poured two glasses, bringing them back to the bed. As she passed Willow hers, she fixated on the ring Willow had found that morning.

Willow raised an eyebrow as the other woman stared at the ring and then at her own bare finger. So, no marriage.

“I think that’s my ring,” Lily admitted.

“Oh. Oh! You’re married?” Willow asked, sliding the ring off her finger and offering it to Lily.

“Engaged,” she admitted. “But we had this huge fight and my friend was coming out to Las Vegas and asked me to come along. So I did.”

“And drank too much last night while being angry,” Willow summarized. “I had a fight with my girlfriend and ended up here doing just that.”

“Small world,” Lily observed, shaking her head. “So, we didn’t get married, we didn’t have sex - or at least if we did we got dressed again afterwards, but I don’t think so and I have no idea how we met or what we were planning.”

Willow offered a commiserating smile. “I don’t know either, but I’m sure drunk us had a super plan for causing chaos and havoc to our significant others.”

“Probably by changing places or something,” Lily agreed.

A chime sounded from Willow’s phone which was on the dresser next to her keycard and above where she’d left her shoes. “Oh! That’s me. I have to get ready for an appointment.” She hastily stood, groaned, grabbed her head with the hand that didn’t have coffee in it and swayed slightly on her feet. “After aspirin. Definitely after aspirin.”

“Good plan,” Lily advised. She reached over to the nightstand beside her and picked up the pen and notepad. She scribbled quickly while Willow was putting on her shoes. “Here’s my contact info if you ever want to talk or remember what our amazing plan was.”

“Thanks,” Willow said, slipping the paper into her pocket. She then pulled a card out from behind her phone’s case. “This is me.” Handing it to Lily, she walked to the door and opened it, turning back at the last moment. “Take care,” she said, closing the door behind her.

As she wove her way down the hall, keeping one hand on the wall for balance, Willow swore she would never drink in Las Vegas while angry again. It had worked out OK this time, but it could have been so much worse.


Back in the hotel room, Lily pulled out her phone in order to enter Willow’s contact information. Just out of curiosity, she opened up her camera app to see if she had any pictures of last night. A stragled squeak escaped her at what she found. She reached for the button to delete them when she paused, glanced at the card in her hand, had an evil smirk appear on her face and set about forwarding them before deleting them.


fandom: how i met your mother, !2022 august event, author: beriaearwen

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