August 19 - Hangover Potions: Best Invention Ever (BtVS/HP)

Aug 19, 2022 22:28

Title:  Hangover Potions - Best Invention Ever
Author: GlitterAngelEm
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Word Count: 527
Summary: Dawn wakes up with regrets.

The world spun around her when she opened her eyes.

Groaning, Dawn closed her eyes and pulled the pillow onto her head, taking in a few, deep breaths to calm her raging stomach.  She was not going to start her week with a vomiting hangover.  She refused.  Absolutely refused.

Her body thought otherwise and she shot up in bed, pushing the covers off of her as she started the run towards the bathroom.  Before she could make it, a hand grabbed her shirt, forcing a cup into her hands with a terse, “Drink this.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, she downed the absolutely disgusting tasting drink, pulling a face at the flavor.

But it was worth it.

Within a few seconds, any urge to hurl everywhere subsided and she gave a sigh of relief.  Granted, a raging headache replaced the need-to-vomit, but she would take it.  Cracking her eyes open, she looked at an equally hungover Hermione Granger.  “What was that?”

“Hangover potion,” Hermione said, wincing at the sound of her own voice.  “While it eliminates the vomiting, the headache is unavoidable.”

“Well, I’ll take it,” Dawn said weakly, deciding that, since she was already up, the kitchen was the best place to be.  Plus, she could smell breakfast already cooking.

Maybe that’s what woke her up and caused the almost-puking.

Nevertheless, both women trudged towards the kitchen, once in awhile leaning on the other for support as their headaches turned into absolute migraine-level pain.  For a split second, Dawn considered the heaving would have been worth it, but almost as quickly banished that thought.

Any day there wasn’t puking was a good day.

Walking through the kitchen door, Dawn froze as she saw Buffy and Harry Potter pleasantly cooking breakfast, Harry keeping track of most of the cooking with Buffy cutting up items as they worked, chatting and laughing as if there was not a care in the world.

As if there had not been an inordinate amount of alcohol consumed the night before.

Plopping gracelessly down into a chair, she took a smile sip of the water at her place setting - since when did they use place settings?? - and took a glance around the table.  The other members of their evening drinking - Hermione, Ron, George, Angelina, Draco, Pansy, Neville, Xander, Robin, and Willow - looked just as terrible as she felt.  While that did not make the headache lessen, it did give her a little bit of a boost.

At least she was not the only one that could not hold her liquor.

Still, she couldn’t help but give Buffy and Harry a dirty look as something made both of them laugh.  Draco and Pansy shared the glare, but everyone else looked too involved in their own pain to really care much.

That was the scene when Faith walked in, smirking as she glanced over the kitchen, noticing Dawn’s glare of death.

“Word of advice, D,” Faith said cheerfully as she reached over and snatched a piece of bacon.  “Never play ‘Never Have I Ever’ with Chosen Ones.  You’re just asking for trouble.  Chosen Ones have experienced way too much shit to ever lose at that game.”

fandom: harry potter, !2022 august event, author: glitterangelem

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