Michael and Lucius - August 11th

Aug 11, 2022 08:35

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 11

Title: Michael and Lucius
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/SG:A
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Stargate people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: A prisoner causes quite a bit of turmoil while a visitor upsets Haly.

Notes: Part 38 of Faith Sheppard - Links Page
Seasons: Post-series/Season 3
Word Count: 2655

“Tell me about your decision to join the Daedalus and the Orion,” Richard Woolsey requested.

Faith watched him. He was in his mid-fifties, dark hair where he wasn’t bald, and glasses. She had been called in for her one-on-one as part of reviewing Elizabeth’s leadership decisions.

“I know you do not have to answer these questions given your position on Atlantis and your organization on Earth, but it will affect my review of Doctor Weir.”

In short, clear sentences she did.

“There are several notes about you controlling the Drones. Waking them from the field of battle and using them to destroy the second Hive as well as several Darts.”


“How did you do that?”

“I don’t know, Doctors Beckett and Zelenka don’t know, and I have yet to figure out a way to explain it any better than what I put in my report. John and Beckett are still refusing any tests since not only do we want to understand how, but I tend to be exhausted afterwards.”

“But you do want to do the tests?”

“Yes. There may not be any understanding of it, but I need a better way to control it. Passing out for eight or more hours afterwards is not conducive to use.”

“Indeed.” He shifted forward as he made his notes. “What about the current situation with the Wraith?”

“Two Hive ships down, at least one Queen. Cost us a handful of personnel and an Ancient ship. Overall, could have been worse,” she gave her analysis evenly.

He frowned. “I meant the Wraith on this base.”

“Michael,” she corrected.

“Yes, Michael. You had some very strong opinions during your discussion with Doctor Weir.”

“You mean argument,” she said lifting an eyebrow. “Nothing I said to her was a reflection on her leadership, it was a reaction to the situation.”

“Then you do not believe that she should have allowed the experiment on the Wraith - Michael?”

“It not the experiment that got us into trouble, because we did need it. The mistake, the thing that made all of this so much worse, was treating him like a human. Imagine that sense of betrayal, you wake up and people begin lying to you. They lie about your name, your mission, the circumstances surrounding your medical condition, your friends and family, and worst of all - they lie about what you are.” She watched him. “Now, not only do you have dreams that are your subconscious trying to tell you the truth, but as soon as you know the truth the veneer is ripped away. Those you considered friends and colleagues are now looking at you openly as an enemy and a villain. And all that time the subconscious dreams that were trying to tell you, have manifested into a hunger that is instinctive and primal.”

Woolsey stared at her with wide eyes. Then he blinked. “You believe that justifies what he did?”

“Nothing justifies what we did,” she shot back. “But if we do it again, we’re going to make him an enemy - and if he manages to escape, he’ll be coming for us.” She shrugged. “At that point it would be karma.” She stood. “If we want to avoid that, then we take responsibility.”

“Which is why you worked with Zelenka to make a device that covers his feeding marks.”

“That was the only way to get him out of that room and into a lab. He wants a solution as much as we do, because as long as the Wraith are a threat, he can’t leave.”


“Ronon,” John said again, a warning in his voice.

“Why is he still here?!” Ronon demanded as he stalked the hall outside of a lab.

John sighed. He couldn’t remember if this was the third or thirtieth time they had re-tread this particular topic. Somewhere between those two. He crossed his arms and tried to keep his voice even. “I told you, Weir and Woolsey signed off on this. Caldwell even gave it his version of a blessing.”

“He’s a Wraith.”

“Faith and McKay and Zelenka went through hundreds of tests. He can’t use the technology outside of this lab. The city doesn’t recognize him as a user. Which is actually good for us, their work may have made it impossible for Wraith to infiltrate Atlantis as they did during the first battle we had with a Hive last year.”

Ronon growled.

“He will also still have two guards at all times.”

“Did Teyla agree to this?”

“She did. With the provision, if Michael is ever found to be using his telepathic abilities, she’ll kill him herself.” He made a face. “But, under supervision, she is going to use the opportunity to learn to shield her mind.”

Ronon stomped away. John considered for a moment following, but he was ready for someone else to try.

Teyla looked up from her meditation to find Ronon at her door.

“Ronon,” she greeted.

“Why did you agree to let the Wraith stay?” he demanded.

She sighed. She had expected this. She rolled out of her meditative pose and stood. “Please, sit.” She gestured to a small table and chair.

Ronon did not sit, he resumed pacing. It looked slightly more frantic in the small space.

Instead, Teyla took a seat on the chair and watched him. “I made the decision after Faith presented an argument.”

He made a grumbling sound.

“My ancestors were victims of Wraith experimentation,” she told him. “When they were returned to their people as failed experiments, they were exiled by humans out of fear. The Wraith destroyed hundreds to hide what was done when they realized that those they had made possessed the ability to telepathically link with the Wraith.” She exhaled calmly. “A fate we have visited upon Michael.”


“He was experimented on and exiled from his people. He is feared by us and considered a risk to the Wraith.” She held up a hand to stop him. “Stomping around and growling at everyone will not change my mind, what Michael does will.”


Faith tested the blade’s weight as she held it out straight in front of her. It was a test of strength, balance, and endurance. She was not sure how long she had been keeping the position, lost in the meditative nature of the pose.

So, it startled her when the door opened. She was aware of the sudden chaotic energy that entered. Her eyes snapped open to see Ronon. She brought her sword tip down, resting it on the floor. After days and days, she was mostly prepared for this. She knew he was mad. Besides Michael’s last foray in Atlantis that ended in kidnapping Teyla, there was just the fact that he was a Wraith.

For a moment, she watched him, silently begging for anything except what she was expecting.

But this had been building for too long in him. “Why!?” he barked.

She shook her head. “I would love not to care,” she responded softly. “To not sympathize. To just leave him to his fate. Then you and I could…” She adjusted her arms. “I know you can’t understand my argument, so I’d really rather not.”

Faith moved away from him. Sliding her sword into her bag. She tested her hands, annoyed at the slight tremor she sensed in them. She told herself that it was due to the pose she had held for so long. She ignored the thundering in her chest and the strange crushing feeling that accompanied it.

She left the gym, not looking back.


John sneezed and let out a little cough as he piloted the Jumper.

“Are you all right, Colonel?” Teyla asked.

“It’s nothing,” John said hoarsely, “caught Haly’s cold. It’s just annoying.”

Teyla grinned. “I do not know who handled Haly being sick worse - you or Faith. She was only sick for a few days, but you both were…overprotective.”

Ronon remained stoic in the rear seat. He hated that he hadn’t even known Haly was sick. His immediate - and selfish - thought had been that Faith had kept her away from him. Or worse, Haly had chosen a side.

John shook his head. “We were just worried that it was something more serious,” he defended, ending with another sneeze.

“Did Faith catch it?” Rodney asked.

“No,” he said, annoyed, “Slayers aren’t susceptible to them.”

“Lucky her,” he groused.


Ronon swiped his hand along the sensor. It was only a moment before the door opened.

“Ronon!” Haly said in surprise.

“Sheppard said you were sick.” He followed her into the room.

She rolled her eyes, a perfect imitation of Faith. “Sneezing and coughing. Mostly slept, but Mom never left and Uncle John was here a lot.” Her little eyes bugged and she paled.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing!” she squeaked. “I’m all better now.” She took a deep breath through her nose to prove it.

“Sheppard has it now,” Ronon told her.

“He does?”

He nodded.

“You just missed M-Faith,” she said, frowning at the table.

By design, he mentally admitted.

“She’s acting as Carson’s personal bodyguard. She says he’s not allowed off-world by himself.” She looked at him. “She made me promise I would stay in our room and not spread germs for one more day.”

“So you’re just holed up here?”

“I have mission reports and books. Lessons to keep me busy. And some sandwiches and snacks.”

“Boring,” he told her.

Haly shrugged. “I was working on art.”

“How about a shooting lesson?” he offered.

Her eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Why not?” He sat down on the floor. “Do you know anything about guns?”


“Good, nothing to un-teach.”

She sidled up to sit in front of him.

Ronon pulled his gun from his hip, ejecting the cartridge. “First thing…”


Haly wasn’t sure exactly when she clued in that something was wrong. She knew Faith had been acting strange for weeks. Anytime Haly asked Faith would smile at her and assure her it was just things.

She knew everyone was fighting about Michael remaining on Atlantis. They thought they had kept it from her, but she caught things from others who didn’t hear as well as Faith and Ronon. It was a popular subject amongst many. Colonel Caldwell had said that what Faith had done with the Drones saved them from the Hive ship. That had been part of the reason he had deferred to her view. Evan and his team had backed her without question.

Faith had been edgy about something and then, just before Haly had come down with her cold, she had turned sad. Quiet and contemplative was normal, so was energetic and ‘saucy.’ Sad had seemed odd and off putting, she had tried to hide it and Haly had decided she would have Carson check for something wrong. Only Haly had woken with a cold and Faith and John worrying over her endlessly.

So when her promised quarantine was over, she had showered and headed for the cafeteria for lunch. She found a large number of Atlantis personnel sitting around and fixed on a dark haired man. He was telling a story of some kind. At the front, smiling, was Faith, Ronon, Carson, Elizabeth, and Teyla.

Haly looked at the scene strangely and then went to the mess line, only to find nothing hot or fresh. “What…?” She made her way towards the front of the room.

“Haly!” Ronon greeted her jovially, smiling widely at her.

“Hey, kid,” Faith said, grabbing her and setting Haly on her knee. “You feeling better?”

“Hungry,” she whispered. “No food.”

“There’s food.” She pointed at the counter. “Oh, no one is manning the line.”

“Faith,” the man said with a fake smile. “Who is this?”

“Lucius, this is my daughter, Haly. Haly, this is a new friend to Atlantis, Lucius Levin.”

His smile grew creepier. “How nice.”

Faith checked her watch. “Lunch is supposed to be happening now. But it appears you’ve sucked in the kitchen staff.”

“Oh! Goodness,” he smiled out at the group. “We should all eat.”

“We’re on it!” members of the kitchen staff said as they got to their feet. Haly was set on her feet next to Faith.

Lucius smiled for real a moment and then looked back at those closest to him. “So, Carson suggested that there was something here?” He pointed between Faith and Ronon.

“Not much,” Faith said a stark, sad look crossing her face. Then it disappeared with a smile at Lucius.

“They’re in a disagreement,” Carson said in a stage whisper.

Lucius pretended not to hear Carson. “So,” he said, lifting Faith’s hand, “there’s nothing to keep us from…” His eyes brows rose as he put a sloppy kiss on her hand. “Examining the extent of your beauty.”

Faith shook her head. “Nothing.”

Haly felt uncomfortable. She didn’t like Lucius and she didn’t like that Faith seemed to be obsessed with him. All of them did. Panic filled her chest. She looked around. John and McKay were the only ones she had not seen.

She grabbed Evan and tugged on his sleeve until he gave her a moment of his attention. “What, Haly?”

“Where’s Uncle John?”

“Recon mission, looking for McKay’s bridge gates.”

“When is he supposed to be back?”

“A few hours,” Evan said, then he seemed to brush her off. Since he wasn’t paying attention, she grabbed the keyring off the vest on the table next to him.

Haly raced from the cafeteria. She kept her eye out, but no one was worried about her. So when she opened the armory and was able to remove a Wraith handblaster, she knew things were worse than she expected.

She ran down halls that were more deserted than they should be. Then she came to a lab. There were no guards in front of it.

“Oh no,” she whispered. She approached the door, it opened for her.

Michael sat on a tall stool staring at the computer screen. He paused when she entered but when the door closed behind her he finally turned to look. His expression was full of confusion.

“What are you doing here, Haly?” he hissed. She sensed that his hissing was more due to surprise than anger.

“Need help,” she said, annoyed with herself. “Something is wrong.”



He frowned, making him look menacing. “Everyone?”

She pointed to the door. “No guards.”

He looked at the doors and then back to her. He seemed to realize the significance after a moment. “Why?”

She threw her hands up in frustration. “Need to go.”

“Go where?” he asked, but he was standing and slipping cautiously closer to her.

Haly didn’t answer. She slipped to the door and made sure it opened. She looked down the hall in both directions and waved him to follow.

Despite her poor communication and his apprehension, Michael carefully kept pace with her. She was running, skidding to corners and doors to check for anyone. But as she had eluded to, something was wrong on Atlantis.

Her caution eased some as they descended into the unused portions of the City. She still moved quickly. Then she halted at a door and checked the sensor, it didn’t work.

She pulled a crystal from the sensor and left the cover off, she pocketed the crystal. She continued down the hall and ducked into a random room.

Michael walked in behind her. “What is going on?”

“Lucius,” she answered. “Everyone weird.”

He exhaled in annoyance.

“Mom and Ronon are affected,” she shouted, glad it got out. “Need distraction until Uncle John gets back.”

“Why me?”

“Hunt. Only way.”

He looked around. “Faith has control over the entire City. She will come straight for us.”

Haly shook her head. “Sensors down. Newly opened, no power.”

“Do you have a plan?” he asked.

She pulled the handblaster out of the waist of her waistband and held it before her. “Yes…dangerous.”

author: hermione2be, !2022 august event, fandom: stargate atlantis

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