August 5 - Spell Activated (BtVS/Sweet Valley)

Aug 05, 2022 22:56

Title:  Spell Activated
Author: GlitterAngelEm
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sweet Valley Confidential and the Sweet Life
Rating: PG
Word Count: 587
Author's Notes: With the Wakefield twins now Slayers, it seems there are consequences to the spell.

It was the chime of the doorbell that did it for Dawn.

Turning to glare at the others around the table - a haphazard mix of Council members, Coven members, and allies the Slayers had created relationships with of the years - she crossed her arms across her chest and said in a petulant tone reminiscent of 14 year old Dawn, “No.  No more.  For the past week, everytime we open that door, it is yet another person someone claiming how one of the Wakefield twins is the most amazing to ever amaze and how they are so excited to see them again.  I will vomit if I have to hear that one.  More.  Time.”

Buffy sent Dawn a reproachful look, older sister privilege still overriding equal Council member status, before sighing and slumping back into her chair.  “While Miss Tactful over there is being a tad overdramatic - “

Muttering from Dawn’s side of the table seemed to prove Buffy’s point, and she pointedly ignored her sister before moving on.

“She does have a point,” the Head Slayer acknowledged.  “We are starting to run out of room in the Slayer Barracks, and Vi is already prepping the guest house for an influx of even more people.”

Over one of the video monitors, Giles rubbed his forehead as he frowned.  “And you say this started when the twins suddenly…somehow…became Slayers.”

“Yu-huh,” Dawn said.  “It’s pretty much bizarro world here, with Willow, Vaughne, and the Coven working to keep any of our Slayers from drifting into the magic magnet that is the combination of spells on the twins, to so many random people showing up because the spell seemed to activate another…chapter, for lack of a better word, of the strangeness that is their lives.”

“I’ll need to sleep for a week after this,” Willow’s exhaustion-filled voice chimed in from one end of the table, muffled by the fact she was faced down on the table, her head cradled in the crook of her arm.  “Put that on my agenda.  Willow, task, sleep.”

“So if all kinds of people from their lives are being called because of the spell,” Xander chimed in from his own videochat, “Does that mean the initial caster of the spell will show up?  I mean, whoever kept casting the spells wanted to be part of everything.  Why miss this?”

The room went silent as everyone digested his words.

“Let’s go with that,” Buffy announced, sitting straighter at the sudden possibilities that opened up with Xander’s observation.  “Willow, I know you’re tired, but see if you and the Council can develop a plan for dealing with the spellcaster when they get here.”

“And guys?” Buffy added, authority growing in her voice, “We aren’t letting them get away.  We are going to figure out how to break this spell and defeat the spellcaster to give all these people normal lives.”

A knock of the door interrupted any further speech Buffy was about to give.  She opened the door to find Vi standing there, eyes darting back and forth from the assembling group to the new-comer behind her.

“Sorry to interrupt, but she said…she had information that could help.”

“Oh, for the love of God,” the woman said, sashaying past Vi and into the room, head held high as she seemed to look down her nose at everyone else in the room.  “I’m Lila Fowler, Jessica Wakefield’s best friend.  And I know who cast this spell.  And after what it did to me, I want revenge.”

fandom: sweet valley high, !2022 august event, author: glitterangelem

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