Aug 4 - Using Her Words

Aug 04, 2022 21:34

Title: Using Her Words
Author: Grundy
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Whedon & Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: The whole point was to make it clear she wouldn't make trouble in Tirion. At least, not of the political variety...
Word Count: 1100

As much fun as it had been while it lasted, Anariel wasn’t entirely sorry the singing was over. She hadn’t meant to be quite so completely the center of attention. Though without the music - and Great-Uncle Daeron, who she expected would be another not so fun one for next sleep - to focus on, it was back to politics.
Speaking of which…

You might have mentioned the Eluchíl thing, Elladan said, sounding nettled.

Elrohir silently agreed.

Her brothers were standing close enough and sufficiently focused in their thought that she didn’t think even Grandfather Arafinwë would catch this.

It’s really not that big a deal. I mean, what are the odds I’ll still be around to actually be King if something happens bad enough to kill Thingol in Aman?

You have half a point, but given our collective theory that Grandfather Thingol is rather lacking in common sense, I wouldn’t rule out him… it was a well that little Timmy fell down, was it not?

It was so hard not to crack up.

The twins didn’t use California references often, probably because they still weren’t certain of many of them. But Lassie had made an impression. (And likely sprang to mind right now because their first question all those years ago after Xander had stopped laughing and managed to explain who ‘Timmy’ was and why he would be down a well had been, “why doesn’t Timmy mind Lassie? The dog seems quite sensible.”)

Evil brothers, trying to make me laugh when we’re supposed to be serious and well-behaved.

Evil? Elrohir snorted. We are not the ones who showed up dressed for trouble, thank you.

I’m dressed just fine. And I bet Melian keeps Thingol from falling down wells here. Or any of the other trouble Timmy got into...

The political part had started now that the court had calmed down a bit. Speeches were still not her thing, but Grandfather Arafinwë had said it should be short.

So far I hear nothing you need to worry about, Elrohir informed her. Just make sure you look like you’re paying attention.

Actual paying attention would be preferable, Grandfather Arafinwë pointed out.

Right, actual paying attention it was…

I am pleased to hear it, particularly as we’re just about to the part where you three will need to speak.

Oh, goody, wouldn’t that be fun. Now that Daeron had announced to all Aman she was Thingol’s heir, there would be all kinds of bunfighting if she said she’d obey the Noldoran…

You’re only just thinking of that now, little one? Elrohir sighed, for her ears and Elladan’s alone.

I thought we had trained you better, Elladan said in disappointment. We certainly would have said something sooner had we known!

Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something. There’s always loopholes.

Of course there are loopholes, Elladan snorted. Ada didn’t bother to nail them all down. Would you like some advice from those more practiced in politics and diplomacy?

She was tempted to say ‘duh’, but went instead with a meek yes, please.

It is probably best if we all use the same words, Elrohir observed. Then no one can claim Anariel did anything unusual. And it is not as though anyone instructed us what to say… an obvious oversight, really.

Indeed. One the twins could probably drive a pack of wargs through with ease.

Anariel’s only difficulty now was keeping to a polite smile rather than the grin she’d normally go with at a statement like that.  Honestly, given all the fuss that had gone into their clothes, it was surprising no one had given them a script.

A lightning-quick mental discussion resulted in the decision that Elrohir would go first, with Elladan mentally drilling Anariel on the exact words to use to make sure she wouldn’t say or even imply anything more than she meant to.

Then the twins switched, Elladan taking his turn speaking while Elrohir made absolutely sure she knew her lines and wouldn’t stumble when it was her turn to tell their royal grandparents, the rest of their Tirion relatives, a few Sindarin kin, the Noldorin court, and really the Amanyar in general that she would behave and had zero interest in being king.

It was a short speech, but the key sentence was, “I will listen to the words of the Noldóran when I am in Tirion.” The whole thing was elegantly phrased - or so the twins assured her. Anariel wasn’t much of an orator in English or Sindarin, and she knew her Quenya was definitely not the court-ready, polished variety.

She was pleased that she managed not to mangle her words when it was her turn - but she didn’t get why she appeared to be making such a stir. She’d said the exact same words her brothers had, and no one had started whispering when they did.

Yes, but you said them the way my uncle would, Grandmother broke in.

Anariel looked to Grandfather Nolofinwë in confusion. She didn’t understand how that was a bad thing.

My other uncle, pitya. The one in Mandos?

It was just as well she was still facing forward so no one but family caught the expression on her face.

When was anyone going to tell me I talk funny? she demanded. Wait, Ada says things the same way!

He was taught by the same person who taught you, Galadriel pointed out, her tone dancing with laughter.

Anariel shot her grandmother a sideways glare.

It went very well with your dress!

I am so disappointed in you, she informed her brothers and her grandmother alike. I can’t believe you knew the whole time…

We didn’t know, thank you very much, Elladan sniffed. As you pointed out, Ada pronounces his words as you do. We simply assumed it was the accent of Gil-galad’s court rather than Tirion or Gondolin. It is not as though there were all that many who learnt Noldorin first left to compare to!

Elrohir took her hand in what should look like a courtly gesture to everyone else as they turned around to face the audience, but definitely meant no one else but Elladan would hear him.

Cheer up, he told her. Grandfather didn’t know that was a Fëanorian accent either. So Grandmother gets to explain it to him as well.

Oh. Yes, that could make for an interesting evening. Celeborn hadn’t ever encountered Fëanor but he was a non-fan of several Fëanorions.

Cheer up more, Elladan added brightly. I do believe that smothered gasp from behind us means our grandmother Anairë has just seen the other side of your dress.

!2022 august event, author: grundy, fandom: lord of the rings

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