Lake Summit

Aug 31, 2021 23:36

Title: Lake Summit
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13 and up
Crossover: BtVS and Stargate SG-1
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Stargate SG-1
Summary: Jack has questions and he picks the location for the talk
Timeline/Setting: Couple years after Chosen and within a couple weeks after Jack moves to Washington DC after being promoted. same universe and same week as the earlier fics of mine this month/year.
Author's notes(if any): nope. It’s fanfic. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters., and lining up timeline of the tv shows.

Jack watched Morse quickly look around seeing the cabin, lake, and dock before letting a slight smile show on his face. Xander's looking around got as far as the dock on the lake.

"I had heard of summits and retreats at the cabin and lake at work. Sometimes I wondered if it was code for a secret neutral ground for meeting with organizations. I was not expecting an actual cabin on a lake. Who all is here for today's summit?"

"Just us. Carter, Daniel, and their list of questions are with Finn's team."

Morse nodded and turned hearing a thud. Xander was laying on the dock dangling his fingers in the water. "The young woman with Carter yesterday. Is she okay and what happened after Willow took my hand?"

"She's got an SG team around her. It got windy and the good guys won."

"Why did I try asking, Sir. Accurate but not helpful to my curiosity. I didn't realize there was overlap between my current posting and were I was previously." Morse said watching the General as he looked between himself and Xander.

"I'm still not sure what they deal with. That team was assigned to me as a security detail now that I've got stars. How do you know who they are and what they do?"

"Umm, We were at the same location where we met Willow and Xander. Things came to a conclusion there and I was with Finn's team for a while until I needed a job that was less in the field travel. I got transferred to your location."

"Morse that was accurate but not at all helpful."

"Sorry Sir. I signed non disclosure agreements and that's all I'm going to say. Other people can say more if they want."

Jack watched Morse shrug then dramatically tilt his head toward Xander.

"Do you have a last name or are you just Xander?"

Rolling over Xander answered, "Harris."

"How did you get involved with this? What is all this?"

"Second question first. All this is that scary things in the night are real. Scary monster tales got their start from real things, but there's a hero to save the day even if the stories don't include her. One girl destined to fight the monsters. I kinda got pulled in to this by being at a bad place at a wrong time but I didn't choose to leave when I could have."

"That's different than how Finn tells it." Morse was quick to comment.

"Riley got the full on Giles telling it the style of the grand watcher. You ask me you're going to get the barely graduated high school version."

"What happened to make you look for one person in particular?"

Morse kept quiet as he sat on the dock, untied his shoes, rolled up pant legs, and stuck his feet in the water. If his guess was right for the timing what ever happened led to the end of Sunnydale and occurred the same time he was working to get a transfer from always traveling to a more permanent location.

"The was the biggest baddest bad guy to everyone and that one girl at a time I mentioned? There were many girls that could be her. We needed any help we could get in that fight so we made it go from one girl to all the girls. Every possible was now one."

Laying on the dock Xander watched the clouds in the sky. The clouds were unchanging but the sky was preferable to looking at Jack.

"Opening the door you mentioned."

"We opened it and destroyed it from letting one girl at a time through. We didn't see any other option and we won. With the door being destroyed we have a responsibility to finding everyone we sent through it and doing what we can to let them know or help them."

"You came looking for my kid." Jack said leaning over Xander.

"We found girls til we had one left that Willow could not find. She tried anything she could think of until she figured out the map of home. Someone gets a light bulb and when they feel at home their light is lit up."

"What's next for your light bulb person?"

"That's up to her. I hope we can figure out why she was able to be unfindable." Moving his arms to rest his head on them Xander didn't seem to mind or notice how grumpy Jack was getting.

"What if she's not an earth kid but from out of this world?"

"Wah?" Morse squawked, jerked, and fell in the water.

"Huh. That is something no one thought of."

!2021 august event, fandom: stargate sg1, author: indra leigh

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