Week Three Roundup!

Aug 23, 2021 19:57

Week three down and we’re heading into the homestretch!

Don’t feel discouraged if you missed a day or if you haven’t posted anything yet. This isn’t a miss a day and you’re out challenge. Post as often as you can; when you can!

Current Standings

hermione2be - 22/22
mmooch - 22/22
acswatwst - 22/22
3am_moonlight - 22/22
jerseyfabulous - 22/22
berifanfic - 22/22
indraleigh - 22/22
tvashti - 17/22
jedibuttercup - 8/22
glitterangelem - 7/22
starshinedown - 5/22
polgara_5 - 4/22
avamclean - 1/22

Cristina - 22/22
ColBlack - 3/22

If something looks amiss (IE I countered incorrectly) please feel free to PM me or respond to this thread.

And don’t forget to review! The participants greatly appreciate it.

!2021 august event, !mod post

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