August 23rd: Burning Bright: Planning To Plan (BtVS/TWD)

Aug 23, 2021 23:53

Title: Burning Bright, Chapter 6: Planning To Plan
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / The Walking Dead (TV)
Rating: Teen (Maggie/Glenn)
Word Count: 1,194
Timeline: BtVS: Post-Chosen & TWD: 03x07: When the Dead Come Knocking.
Disclaimer: Nothing copyrighted belongs to yours truly.
Summary: Michonne is questioned, and tentative plans are made.
Author's Note: Written for Day 23 of the 2021 August Fic-A-Day.
A/N: Eh, with a side of meh.
Previous: Burning Bright, Searching, To See You Again, Stab It, and New People.

Back at the prison, the reaction to Michonne was mixed, but after repeating her explanation to Rick he allowed Hershel to clean and bandage her gunshot wound. While their resident doctor was attending to his most recent patient, Rick left Glenn and Maggie to stay guard over their guest, while he and Buffy went back to Cellblock C to have a talk with the rest of their group.

Everyone gathered in a loose circle, except for Lori who was still in a cell with baby Judith, and Daryl and Beth who had yet to return from their attempt to catch dinner.

"Why did you bring her back with you?" Rick opened the questioning. "You spoke to her for, what? Three minutes?"

"Gut instinct," was Buffy's first reply. "Also, Merle was out cold so we had a chance to leave without him knowing which direction we went in. That advantage had a time limit on it, and I chose to take my chances with Michonne instead of Merle. I was tempted to kill him, but since he's Daryl's brother..." She trailed off. Killing living, breathing human beings bothered her and she tried her best to avoid it, but given the new world they lived in it was no longer an option she could ignore.

"She said Merle shot her after she killed several of the men he brought with him to kill her. Did you consider that she did something worth being killed for?"

"I did, but I also considered what little I've been told about Merle, and it doesn't make him sound like a good person. Meeting him confirmed that. Since he wants her dead, I'm willing to take the chance. She also is presumably good with that sword she was carrying." It had made her a little envious. Giles had kept telling her that a katana was too obvious, but that had been pre-apocalypse. Maybe she should start looking for one of her own. "We need fighters and I'm willing to take a chance on her."

"What about Andrea?" Carol interjected, "Michonne said she's still in Woodbury. We need to get her back."

Rick shook his head, more on instinct, Buffy thought, than a real desire not to get back one of their people. "We can't force her to leave, and if they really have basic amenities like fresh produce, showers, and a walled-in town, then this prison isn't going to be able to make her want to leave."

Buffy gave the cellblock a reflexive scan, it wasn't much to look at, and when you took all the walkers roaming the building into consideration it wasn't much of a prize. It was a trap that had already killed several of them and was likely to kill even more in the future. In comparison to a place that was much like the world had been before, although on a much smaller scale, and without electronics, she knew what she would've chosen if she was more naive or desperate.

"We could go over there and ask if she wants to rejoin the group," Buffy replied a little tentatively. "But we probably shouldn't mention Michonne. If they're really out to kill her then it would only cause trouble. But, we need to tell Daryl we ran into his brother, he'll want to at least talk to Merle, and we can use that to look for this Andrea."

They kept going back and forth until Daryl and Beth returned from their hunt with a few squirrels and a couple of rabbits. It wasn't what she had hoped for, but beggars couldn't be choosers. It was food, they had bottled water, and the foodstuff from the cafeteria, it could've been so much worse.

After the last two had been brought up to speed, they decided to let the newcomer join the debate and moved out to the visitation area where they had left her earlier.

Buffy started it once everyone had settled somewhere. "Do you think Andrea would be willing to leave Woodbury and rejoin her old group, without being told where we've settled, and without being allowed to tell anyone where she's going?"


"Why?" Rick asked curiously.

"She likes the safety there, the normalcy."

"But we're her original group," Carol said, "She should come back to us." The woman hugged her daughter to herself, and the girl turned around and hugged her mother back.

Buffy raised an eyebrow but refrained from commenting. At this point, it was about survival and who could help you the most. Loyalty would only get anyone so far, and from what Buffy had learned from both her little experience with this group and what had been said about their previous experiences it might be better to take a chance on someone else. Then again, no one was innocent.

"I need to talk with my brother, soon. If he knows I'm nearby he's going to keep looking until he finds me. I need to find him first." Then he looked over at Michonne. "Where is Woodbury?"

She gave him a rough description of how to get there, and when Glenn asked about defenses she told them what she knew. Buffy thought about it, it sounded like it would keep walkers out, but with a little stealth, they could get in without being seen.

"The question is, while Daryl takes the frontal approach to talk to his brother, do the rest of us want to join him there or find a back entrance to look around? Or conversely, who joins him at the front gate?"

She, Glenn, Maggie, and Michonne were obviously out for joining Daryl, but there were others who might be willing. Lori, Hershel, Carl, and Sophia were also out. That left Rick, who Merle was unlikely to want to see, Carol, who didn't do too well around unknown people, Beth, who wasn't much of a fighter, and the still on probation inmates, Axel and Oskar.

Buffy made a mental note to set up a schedule to begin training everyone so they wouldn't keep being liabilities. It was in situations like these that she missed the Scoobies, or just Faith. Oh gods, what she wouldn't give to have the other Slayer with her to help out.

Everyone had begun talking over each other, some with protests, others with suggestions. She allowed it to go on for a while before she broke in again. "We need to wait a few days."

"What?" Daryl glared at her, "Why?"

"Because we don't know where Merle is, not without revealing that we've spoken with Michonne. The longer we can keep that a secret the better. Let's give it a few days, then you can walk up to their door and demand to speak to him."

"But what about Andrea?" asked a concerned Carol again.

"She's fine," Michonne finally said. "The Governor seemed to like her. As long as she plays his game she'll be safe."

"It's decided then," Buffy replied decisively. "We'll give it four days while we come up with a strategy and who goes where and who stays here. Think about it, but for now how about dinner? I for one am hungry."

!2021 august event, fandom: the walking dead, author: 3am_moonlight

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