19Aug21 - Impavid - adj. Fearless

Aug 19, 2021 17:20

Title: Impavid - adj. Fearless
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Mission Impossible (tv series)
Characters: Hank Summers|Willy Armitage, Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Jim Phelps
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1516
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Mission Impossible belong to CBS, etc. All are used here without permission, no copyright infringement is intended.
WARNINGS:  Not the happiest of endings, but it is a happy ending, limited knowledge of Hank's alter ego, Just trying to make Hank a good dad.
Note: I will be attending a retirement dinner and may not have time to read and respond tonight. :(

Summary:  His smile broadened.  "It's been a long time, Cinnamon."

Impavid - adj. Fearless
by Beriaearwen

Hank looked up from his position on the floor.  In all his years as an active IMF agent, he had never expected to experience anything like this. He'd only been twenty when he was recruited, in his late thirties when he met Joyce and decided to pull back on his IMF activities.  That was also when he changed careers. Couldn't be a weightlifter forever, though he did keep up at least some level of fitness, his sporadic missions assured that.  Those missions relied on his other skills now and he was glad he had honed them.

He was frustrated now, angry that he had been held here for so long.  Normally he would be able to break out, but it was almost as if these people had some sort of practice dealing with strong, clever people.  His eyes darted to a different cell. Or things.

Standing to pace his cell again, he ran over everything he had learned during his time here, tried to fit together the pieces he had.  This facility was well hidden underground.  It was run with a combination of scientists and soldier - always a dangerous mix - and they were experimenting on humans and other creatures, creatures that made him curse the fact he doubted Buffy when she tried to tell him about vampires back when she was at Hemry.  He knew better than to doubt her now.

The scientists here were focused mostly on finding ways to modify people using the DNA and blood of the creatures.  There were also drugs that they were giving some of the soldiers.  So far, he was only being kept as a specimen. His face heated in anger as he recalled what other sort of specimen they kept after taking from him.

They ran him through tests, experiments and evaluations. He was also dragged out of his cell for work-out periods at least twice a day in an effort to see how much of his youthful strength he could reclaim.

He also knew that, despite the fact the soldiers here wore uniforms, this was not a sanctioned facility and the experiments were being done in secret.

He also heard the word Sunnydale whispered more than once.

Leaning against the wall at the back of his cell, he ran over how he was taken once more.  Buffy and Dawn had just headed home after their Summer with him, Buffy to enter her sophomore year, Dawn to start high school.  He had scanned the neighborhood like he always did and found nothing out of place, but the instincts that proved so beneficial on his IMF missions were screaming at him.

He never suspected there would be someone in his house ready with a taser the moment he stepped through the door.  They had followed that up by clasping a cloth over his nose and mouth while continuing to send current through him.  As soon as the cloth was in place, held firmly, they turned off the taser, allowing him to breath out, but gave another short jolt which caused him to breathe in. This happened a few more times until he passed out.  He remembered wondering who used chloroform any more.

It may have been old school, but it was effective.

He had no way to know for sure, but assuming the normal length of a guard shift and the number of shifts he'd seen, he suspected he'd been here for several months.

A distant sound caught his attention, more because it was unusual and out of place than because he recognized it.

Less than a minute later, there was shouting and gunfire.

He moved to the front of his cell and looked down the hall, a smile curving his lips.

He knew he shouldn't assume it was someone to rescue him instead of a rival faction who would either continue to keep him a prisoner or kill him, but he couldn't help it.  His instincts were screaming at him that this was his freedom.

Five minutes later the door burst open and he recognized the figure stepping through with a gun at the ready.

His smile broadened.  "It's been a long time, Cinnamon," he greeted, causing the woman in question to turn toward him.

"Willy!" she greeted, a smile on her face. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I haven't been Willy in a long time, but I'm glad to see you."

"Let's see what we can do about getting you out of there.  Just hold tight for a little longer."

Hank was willing to wait.  His freedom was finally close enough he could taste it.


Hank sat in the conference room, waiting for Jim to come back.  They had allowed Jim Phelps to be the one to debrief him and he was thankful for it.  He knew there were others watching on the other side of the fairly well hidden one way glass and that this was being recorded both by the recorder he could see and probably one or two he couldn't.

He was fine with it, though. He told them everything that happened, everything he had seen and heard, what conclusions he had drawn and he had asked them to ensure all of his biological samples were destroyed.

Jim finally came back in the room with a folder.

"More questions?" Hank asked.

"No," Jim replied, a small smile on his face.  "This is information to bring you up to date with what's been going on since you were taken."

There was something in the expression in his eyes that he didn't like.  There was going to be bad news.  "What happened?" Hank asked, voice serious.

A sigh escaped Jim.  "Joyce died two weeks ago and there's something going on in Sunnydale that is outside our jurisdiction."

"And it threatens my daughters," Hank completed the thought, his hand tightening on the ends of the table, causing the wood to crack slightly.

Jim was quiet and then passed the folder.  "We can't be officially involved."


"The group that took you were remnants from a sanctioned operation your daughter put a stop to," Jim said, leaning forward.  "They wanted to see if her gifts were genetic and came from you.  We owe you and the nation, possibly the world owes her."

The two men sat in silence, reading each other's faces.  Hank began to understand what hadn't been said.

Looking down he flipped through a few papers until he found one with a black dot slightly out of place.  He moved the pages on top of it away and picked up the page to read it over.  The information was about findings they had from some of the tests Joyce had at the hospital.  When he put the paper down, the dot was gone.

"Your house is waiting for you, but I would probably recommend you go to Sunnydale to comfort your daughters.  We have a few different cover stories for them. Not sure what they were told."

"The truth -"

"Only for those with clearance," Jim commanded, his hand moving to gather the folder, pausing on a page with information from Buffy.

Hank nodded.

"Thank you."

"I'm only sorry it took us so long."


The phone rang and Dawn called out "I'll get it!" as she stampeded down the stairs.

Buffy and Hank exchanged an amused smile.

After he had been released two months ago, he stopped by his house only long enough to read the information Jim had passed him on the microdot and gather some clothes.

His greeting hadn't been warm, but at least they let him in the house.

It hadn't been easy for him to regain his place in his daughter's hearts, but once he was able to explain everything to Buffy, ensuring she understood it was all top secret and could endanger those she loved, she had relented.  After smacking him a few times and a bunch of tears - his and hers.

Now he was permanently moved into the house, read into her world and, once they figured out Glory was vulnerable in her human form, he had used the one name on the list Jim gave him he hadn't originally thought he ever would.

"It's for you, Dad," Dawn called.

Standing, Hank made his way over to the phone and took it from his younger daughter.  "Hank Summers speaking," he stated into the mouthpiece.

"It's done."

"Thank you. You've just saved the world, or at least my world."

There was no response, just the sound of the connection being cut.

Buffy stood in the doorway shifting from foot to foot, her arms wrapped around herself, her discomfort evident.  She had never been in favor of this method of dealing with Glory, but it truly was their best bet.

Hanging up the phone, he stated, "She's safe."

Tension seemed to ease out of Buffy, but she still didn't look happy. He couldn't blame her since this had take just a little bit more of her innocence away.  Moving closer, he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her head.  Sometimes there just weren't words.


!2021 august event, author: beriaearwen, fandom: mission impossible

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