Aug 14, 2021 - Betting Pool (FR-13)

Aug 14, 2021 22:15

Aug 14, 2021 - Betting Pool (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Summary: When Buffy goes out on assignment, the others take bets on how long she lasts.
Crossover: SG-1
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 306
Challenge: for the livejournal 2021 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Timeline: post-series for both; shift timelines to match
A/N: just a blurby little thing
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Stargate SG-1 character belongs to Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright / SyFy Channel. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Slayer HQ

“Okay, Buffy has landed in Minnesota and will be at the campsite in 3 hours. Betting has opened for how long she lasts before demanding to come home,” Xander announced to the gathered crowd. “Standard bets apply.” Which meant their chores for 2 days - not including their patrol schedule.

“I say when she sees the tent,” Kennedy offered first. Buffy couldn’t even be bothered to share her bedroom in Sunnydale, so no way she’d be able to handle a tent.

“When she finds out there’s no electricity to blow dry her hair - or when she has to wash up in the lake,” Rona contradicted. Anyone with that many beauty products would fold with basic hygiene conditions.

Dawn shook her head, “Nah, it’ll be when she finds out she has to go bathroom in the woods.” Not that she’d blame her older sister for that…eww!

Several other bets were yelled out: having to wear the same hiking boots every day; eating over a campfire; having plain coffee (Giles); having to gut a fish or skin an animal (Xander); when she needed a manicure (Willow) among others.

The only one not to speak up was Faith.

“What’s your bet, Faith?” Willow inquired.

“That she’ll come back when she’s learned everything he has to teach her,” Faith answered easily. While her sister-Slayer might not enjoy any of those other things, she knew she had to lead by example, and they wanted all the minis to learn survival training. That meant Buffy had to do it first. But since the others wanted to think the worst of her, she added with a leer, “The guy’s a hottie and I’m sure he has a lot to teach her.”

Northern Minnesota
Two weeks later…

“How are you doing over there?” John Neilson (aka Jack O’Neill’s clone) asked, sitting back to wait for a bite on his line.

Buffy smiled brightly at him. “Best vacation ever! If I knew that all I had to do was learn survival crap to get this much time off, I’d have suggested it ages ago! How much longer can we draw this out?”

John chuckled. He was a little surprised at how smoothly she took to almost everything he forced on her. The only major hiccup was the bathroom issue and not too many people enjoyed digging holes.

The first night, she braided her hair to keep it out of the way and mostly clean. Looking at the tents, she remarked that she’d slept in worse conditions. She wasn’t squeamish at all about dressing animals or gutting fish. In fact, she said those techniques might be useful in disposing of some of the demons she fought. Actually, she categorized all the survival skills in terms of how they would benefit Slayers in non-survival settings.

Once she mastered the basics, they just relaxed and ‘practiced’ them for a few days. Advanced skills would require harsher conditions, like winter or a desert environment.

Quite honestly, it made John happy that he ignored his knee-jerk reaction to turning down Jack’s request to help this group out. He only hoped the rest of the slayers would be such a pleasure to instruct.

“We could do a few days of learning which plants are safe to eat if you’d like,” he offered, knowing what her answer would be.

A/N: Don’t ask me where this came from. My brain might have suffered heat exhaustion earlier today when we were cleaning up the brush and fallen branches in the yard. On the plus side, I have now operated a woodchipper! So cool!

!2021 august event, author: mmooch, fandom: stargate sg1

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