Aug 5, 2021 - Buffy’s Evolution, Bonus 2 (FR-13)

Aug 05, 2021 06:16

Aug 5, 2021 - Buffy’s Evolution, Bonus 2 (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Summary: Buffy slays her first monster in this dimension.
Crossover: MCU
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 1090
Warning: nothing for this one, either
Challenge: for the livejournal 2021 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Timeline: shortly before Captain America: The Winter Soldier for MCU; post-season 5 for BtVS
A/N: Probably some unrealistic-ness in here, but let’s pretend it’s sort of Matrix-like.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. MCU characters belongs to Marvel et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Stark Tower

Buffy was studying for her final, final exams for her BA in Psychology when BUFFY interrupted her with an urgent message, “I think I’ve found a Moloch in SHIELD. Can you take a look, please?”

“By Moloch, you mean…” Buffy prompted, shifting her attention to the servers the BUFFY was investigating. Over the last couple years, she and her computer counterpart became as close as twins and at least BUFFY knew pretty much all of her life history, the good, bad and ugly.

“A very advanced intelligence…too advanced to be purely technological, I think,” BUFFY answered worriedly.

“Let’s get JARVIS and Tony to back us up, just in case,” Buffy suggested, knowing that despite being digital, she still was a noob by comparison to those two.

It took them days to track the signal back to an abandoned - or seemingly abandoned - Army base in New Jersey. By that time, they were all convinced this wasn’t a normal AI.

Tony pried open a backdoor so Buffy could slip in to confront whatever was there. BUFFY and surprisingly JARVIS protested her going on her own, but she and Tony persuaded them that if they were right this was another Human AI, she stood the best chance at fighting them.

Hidden Server Farm

From the moment she got in there, she saw a visual representation of a lab filled with old-timey computer drives - like really old ones, the reel-to-reel kind - and a genuine nerd guy, complete with the lab coat, glasses and fricking bow tie of all things! “Doing something evil?” she asked, walking up behind him.

“Where did you come from?” he demanded.

Buffy leaned in close and whispered, “Your nightmares.” Then she stood back and asked, “Whatcha doing? World domination or something?” She started typing on one of the keyboards and read the information on the screen. “Project Insight?”

“Who are you?” he demanded again, sounding more frightened this time.

Leaning on the desk, she retorted, “I think the more important question is, who are you? By the way, don’t think that just because you wear glasses, that I won’t hit you.”

He moved to try and enter something on the computer, and she slammed him against a nearby computer drive. “Uh, uh, uh…no evildoing on my watch. It hurts my reputation.” With that, she struck him across the face and he was startled at the pain he thought he’d never experience again.

“What are you?” he pleaded.

“Quid pro quo, Clarice,” she quipped. “Who are you?”

“Armin Zola,” he whimpered, scared that after all this time this…thing could actually hurt him.

She put him in a headlock and walked back over to the keyboard and did a query on his name. “HYDRA scientist recruited into SHIELD after the war.” Glaring down at him she scoffed and asked, “Let me guess, you never gave up your HYDRA roots…right?”

He hesitated and she readjusted her grip so she could twist his arm behind his back in a painful manner. He cried out and exclaimed, “We grew within the organization, waiting for a time when the world would willingly give up its freedom for security. Then we’d finally seize control…like it was always meant to be!”

“It’s been a while since I got to say this, but I promised you quid pro quo. You asked who and what I am, so I’ll tell you; I’m Buffy, and I’ll be your Slayer tonight, But first, I need to let a couple friends come in and find all your dirty little secrets. It’d be real nice if you made it easy for us and had a list of all your HYDRA buddies in here somewhere,” she taunted. Before he could do anything, she knocked him unconscious and opened the backdoor she entered through to let JARVIS and BUFFY in so they could read the files without interference.

Once they had everything, Buffy asked Tony, “Got any viruses that could kill their digital world up for good?”

In the outside world, Tony smirked and replied, “Since they were a cancer within SHIELD, I think giving them their own cancer would be poetic justice, don’t you think? You’ll have to enter the commands from inside Zola’s servers to keep their immune system from attacking it.”

“How far are we going with this metaphor?” Buffy teased.

“All the way to the digital morgue. JARVIS and BUFFY, come home so you don’t get infected.” Buffy, just so you know, you’ll have to be quarantined when you come out,” he warned her.

“So I’m going to miss my finals?” she faux-whined.

“I’ll write you a note,” he snarked. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” she responded, feeling almost like a Slayer again.

By computer standards, it was a slow-growing virus, but by the time Captain America, Black Widow and the STRIKE Team led the rescue of the Lemurian Star, the digital cancer had grown large enough to kill Zola, his algorithm and the technology of HYDRA. All that was left was to take the humans into custody…which intelligence agencies around the world were coordinating on.


Arriving back at SHIELD headquarters, Rogers and Romanoff were surprised when the STRIKE team was taken into custody. They were even more surprised when Fury told them about the HYDRA infiltration, and that Stark of all people was the one to find it.

“As much as I want to be angry at him for hacking our systems, I can’t because he found something that was under my nose for decades,” Fury admitted, still reeling from finding out that Pierce was HYDRA and the true purpose of Project Insight. He chuckled ruefully; “I thought I stopped trusting people a long time ago but turns out I still was deceived by those I considered friends.”

“Having friends shouldn’t be considered a weakness,” Steve offered.

Fury sighed, “Maybe not, but you can’t be betrayed by enemies.”

Stark Tower

“Sir, I have news about your parents’ deaths,” JARVIS announced once he breached the file for the Winter Soldier hit of December 16, 1991.

Buffy wouldn’t allow him to watch the murders themselves, but they all worked together to do facial recognition to confirm Howard’s identification of Sergeant James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, who wasn’t as dead as the history books claimed.

After a couple long venting sessions with Buffy - where she ended up sharing several stories about the possession of her and her friends - Tony came to terms with what happened and showed tremendous emotional growth when he said, “Call Rhodey and Cap. We have a POW to rescue.”

A/N: This is where the MCU starts to go seriously AU. FYI, I know Black Widow found him faster, but she had a cheat because of the flashdrive. I had sort of planned on this bonus chapter, but it went slightly different than what I expected.

!2021 august event, fandom: captain america, author: mmooch

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