Aug. 29th: Hello Sisters, Ch. 7: A Little Vampire Show

Aug 29, 2020 23:59

Title: Hello Sisters, Ch. 7: A Little Vampire Show
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / Charmed (1998).
Rating: Gen / Teen
Word Count: 1,473.
Timeline: BtVS: Post-Chosen & Charmed: S04.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and Charmed belongs to Spelling Entertainment.
Summary: Paige has a question to ask Buffy.
Author's Note: Written for Day 29 of the 2020 August Fic-A-Day.
A/N: Blah. *ZzZ*

A week after agreeing to clear the basement so they could use it for something other than storage, they had managed to place most of the furniture in one room and the rest plus a lot of assorted boxes in another. When they began looking it through it became obvious it had just been moved downstairs and then placed wherever there was space for it. No one seemed to have thought too much about it, other than to move it away from the main parts of the Manor.

The Halliwell sisters had gone through everything first and then made two piles for the junk they were going to throw away and a second pile for the things they were going to give away. A lot of the furniture could be placed on top of each other with something in between so nothing was damaged. It freed up most of the rooms down there.

After Leo and Xander had taken a good look at the floor, walls, and anything else they deemed necessary they decided it was possible to move some of the walls. More specifically, it was possible to move the walls so Buffy and Phoebe could get a larger gym space underneath the Conservatory. It also got an adjacent bathroom with a toilet, a shower, and basic accommodation for bathroom stuff.

Prue's darkroom was moved to beneath the Foyer. The rooms under the kitchen and dining room were used for storage as they were mainly out of the way. They made three small bedrooms under the Parlor and conveniently moved a few of the old wardrobes in there along with some other furniture, which was mainly moved by Buffy. It left the room beyond the archways as a shared office/computer room.

Once everything was done, Buffy decided to use some of her Council money and splurged on a couple of stationary computers for the Office, and a personal laptop for herself. She also bought some more modern desktops to place them on along with a few comfortable chairs, and some shelving. The intent was for her, Phoebe, and Dawn to use for their schoolwork, but also for any business-related things any of them might need it for. That way they could leave their stuff spread out and not worry about it messing up for anyone else.

Xander had chosen to start with the guest rooms as he was informed early that he would have to sleep on one of the coaches as there were no available bedrooms. All of them grumbled a little as they had been looking forward to getting another bathroom upstairs, but none of them objected. He was taking time out to do this for them, the least they could do was abide by his decision to create better sleeping arrangements for himself without anyone accidentally walking in on him.

While Buffy's Sunnydale friend was busy with home improvements, Paige decided to surprise her sisters' sister.


"Mmm?" the Slayer replied distractedly. Her mind was on something she could add to the gym, or if it was even necessary or if she was just looking to add something because she could.

"A word in private?" That got her attention.

"Sure. Lead the way." They ended up outside in the garden while the men were in the basement, Prue was checking in on their progress, Piper was at P3, Dawn was in her room, and Phoebe was out with Cole somewhere.

"Are we doing something super-secret?" Buffy asked, only half-joking because half the things they did fell under that category.

"No," Paige gave her a look, then continued. "So, you've been talking about how you slay vampires and a different kind of demons than we do. And I was wondering if I could see you fight vampires?"

The brunette looked a little nervous, but she was new to all of this. "Demons attacking the Manor, you, and the others not enough excitement for you?" Buffy couldn't help but tease.

"It is, but I'm curious. And I want to know if the sister I should call is the Halliwell's or you or Dawn, or someone else entirely."

"No calling Dawn for any demony stuff unless its to help you research, she's good at that part."

Paige nodded, "Duly noted; don't take the teenager to help in a vanquish." She changed tactics, "So I know you said, San Francisco doesn't have your kind of undead, but I thought I could orb us somewhere and you can find some. Right?"

"Right..." Buffy said slowly.

"So, everyone is busy and we could just orb out now and you could show me, and then we go back here. If it works then I could just orb you somewhere and you could get your violence therapy and not need to be so careful with us when we train and I'm babbling aren't I?"

Buffy smiled a genuine smile, "You would do that? Orb me to random vampire infested places just so I can kill them, but you can't interfere?"

"Yes!" Then she grimaced a little. "Well, not all the time but once or twice a week or something. I'm sure we can work something out."

"That's with the greatness! I'll tell the others we'll be out for a few hours and then I'll meet you back here."

They went inside, but while Paige sat in a chair in the Conservator, Buffy went in search of the other occupants of the house. Cheating a little by using Slayer speed it didn't take long for her to return. Paige took her arm and soon they vanished among blue and white lights.

When Buffy's eyes adjusted to the darkness it became obvious they were in a cemetery. More specifically, they were in one of the larger ones in LA. It was a notorious hangout for younger vampires who thought it was 'cool'.

The Slayer told the witch with her to remain quiet and they began a casual stroll down one of the pathways. Her senses tingled and she knew there was a small group of vampires nearby, five maybe six of them. Less than five years dead and in all likelihood easy pray. But that was okay.

It didn't take long for the undead citizens to flank them in the dark, attempting to hide behind the larger tombstones. Paige was oblivious and keep looking around. Occasionally she would read a name aloud, wondering about the strange things some people named their children. Buffy played along while waiting for the vampires to attack.

All of a sudden the two closest to them tried to grab them, but Buffy slid the stake out of her sleeve and staked it within seconds and then she engaged the other in a little show and tell before she staked that one as well. The remaining four were stupid, as they conveniently waited their turn as she spent a few minutes fighting each of them so her companion could see what it was all about.

Rather than stake the last one however, she caught it and forced him to his knees. When he was down she forced his face up. "This is a minion vamp, as you just witnessed; they're not very smart. They employ the fight one-on-one technique and don't seem to grasp that attacking all at once it much more effective."

She turned his head so it was more visible. "This is a vampire's grrr face. Most of the time they look like normal humans unless they're stuck in whatever year they died, then their fashion sense is horrible."

"Are their eyes always yelling when they're like this?" Paige asked curiously.

"Yes, it's something else that makes them easily recognizable. The sharp teeth and fangs are clues, too."

Paige laughed a little at her predictable humor. "I would've asked you if you'd want to stake him, but I don't want to risk your or Leo's ability to keep in contact with me."

"That rule is stupid. We're family, sort of. Family's family, whatever. But you're family to Leo, he's your brother in law! You should be allowed to talk to him if you want to."

"I know, but you know the Elder's put restrictions on it when they realized I can't avoid either of you since we live in the same house. No slaying or vanquishing of each other's prey."

"Okay, since I can't do it, show me how it goes poof again."

Buffy obliged and the confused vamp turned to dust and then disappeared.

Orbing around to Slay vamps could work in the short term, but sooner or later she would have to move somewhere with a high concentration of undead. But for now, there were home improvements to be done, a new floor to take advantage of, and family to get to know. The future would get there soon enough.

!2020 august event, author: 3am_moonlight, fandom: charmed

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