Aug 20, 2020 - The Impossible Dream (FR-15)

Aug 20, 2020 21:30

Aug 20, 2020 - The Impossible Dream (FR-15)
Author: mmooch
Summary: Buffy explains to the BAU how she got into her profession.
Crossover: Criminal Minds
Rating: FR-15
Word count: 481
Challenge: for the livejournal 2020 August Fic-a-Day Challenge. Also satisfies Normal Again in Crossover Land Challenge
Timeline: AU post season 6 for BtVS; vague for CM; follow-up to ‘I’m the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘I’m Still the Slayer’
A/N: I heard this song and decided that it fit the situation of Buffy trying to make something of her life in the ‘real world’ instead of her Sunnydale delusions. I think my favorite version may be either Jim Nabors or Steve Lawrence.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Criminal Minds characters belong to Jeff Davis, The Mark Gordon Company and CBS. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.


The profilers watched as the child psychologist worked with their young victim/witness. Buffy Summers’ reputation in the field of traumatic childhood disorders was remarkable for someone so young. After a few more minutes, Buffy tapped the floor with her fingers, then stood up.

“I’ll be right back,” she told the little girl. “Can I get you something? A drink or maybe Mr. Gordo?”

The girl, who frowned at the thought of a drink from a stranger, looked confused and asked, “What’s Mr. Gordo?”

Buffy plopped back onto the floor and fairly bounced in excitement. “He is the best cuddler in the world! Whenever I have bad dreams or get kind of sad about something…he makes all the icky go away.” She pulled out her phone and punched a few buttons until she found what she was looking for. “See…isn’t he the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” she all but demanded as she showed the girl his picture.

“Isn’t he kind of…falling apart?” the girl countered, not appearing all that impressed.

Seemingly shocked, Buffy shook her head vehemently, “But that’s how you know he works! If he looked brand new, you would know he’s never been used. No, no…Mr. Gordo is like the workhorse of stuffed animals - except for being a pig.”

The girl considered this logic for a moment or two, then nodded slowly. “I guess it couldn’t hurt to try cuddling with him…for a minute or two.

Several hours later

It may have taken longer than the agents wanted, but eventually Buffy was able to get the story of the girl’s kidnapping from her without upsetting her further. As a thank you, Buffy let her keep the stuffed pig.

“How did you know that would work?” Reid inquired after they returned from arresting the kidnappers.

Buffy shrugged, “I didn’t, but unless the creeps used stuffed animals in their sick games, I figured it wouldn’t hurt. Clearly, they must have done something to the drinks they gave her, which is why she wouldn’t trust me with that until she had told me everything.

“Your reputation is well-earned,” Hotch praised her.

She gave them a sad smile and decided to share part of her story. “I know I can’t stop the bad things from happening to kids; I certainly couldn’t stop them from happening to me. My traumas led me to being institutionalized for several years. When I finally came out of my psychotic break, I needed something in my life to reach for like I had in my delusions. While I knew I could never be an actual superhero, I could endeavor to help kids survive their real-life monsters. The first song I heard happened to be ‘The Impossible Dream’ and I found that serendipitous. My Impossible Dream is a world where children can be carefree.

“As heavenly causes go, yours isn’t that bad to strive for,” Reid offered encouragingly.

A/N: Think ‘negative’ thoughts for me, please! I was tested today for Covid and am in quarantine until I get my results.

!2020 august event, fandom: criminal minds, author: mmooch

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