Congratulations to all that participated! Those that "won" the challenge your banners are being created but your bragging rights start now.
Behind the cut are the final standings for this week (8/26/19 - 8/31/19).
hermione2be- 31/31
songs_of_winter - 31/31
berifanfic/beriaearwen - 31/31
mmooch - 31/31
3am_moonlight - 31/31
jerseyfabulous/grundy - 31/31
jedibuttercup - 16/31
indraleigh - 13/31
glitterangelem - 9/31
tvashti - 6/31
jeymien - 1/31
avamclean - 1/31
If something looks amiss (IE I counted wrong) please feel free to PM me or leave a comment below.