Request from Giles

Aug 31, 2019 11:31

Title: Request from Giles
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Marvel - Avengers
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Marvel - Avengers
Summary: Darcy comes to Pepper with a request
Warnings: nope.
Timeline/Setting: maybe 10ish years after Chosen and a few months after the first Avengers movie and a couple days after the fic on the 22nd when Pepper learns Darcy is Giles’ assistant.
Author's notes(if any): nope. It’s fanfic…. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters.

Following Happy past the secretary Darcy wondered why Pepper had asked to see her. As they walked into the office Darcy saw Pepper stand up and walk over to them.

“Thank you Happy. Darcy, I got a call from Mr. Giles and he asked me to let you be my assistant for the next two weeks. When I asked why he mentioned a meeting with a company that was finally agreed to yesterday.”

Watching Pepper and not paying attention to Happy as he opened a hidden fridge in the office. “Who’s it with?”

“Sheepfoot Machinery.” Not hesitating in her response Pepper didn’t appear excited about the meeting.

“Who requested the meeting and what is it about?”

“They requested it and wanted me to come to their office before we negotiated to meet in one of our locations. They refuse to say why the want to meet.” Pepper explained leaning against her desk.

Studying Pepper’s confused expression Darcy relaxed. “I’ll help. The Watcher’s Council had a rival company and Sheepfoot Machinery is that company’s manufacturing brother. They were the Watcher’s version of Hammer Industries but without any limits or morals that Hammer might have had. To start I need to see the agreement for the meeting with them. Oh, Happy, Tony is incoming in four minutes and Pepper you’re going to be late for a call later if you don’t hurry to lunch.”

Sheepfoot Machinery had walked into the building for the meeting an hour early knowing that it would throw off Stark Industries worrying that maybe they errored on the time.

Watching from a security feed in her office Pepper watched the front desk get flustered with the early arrival. “How did you know?”

“It’s how they operate. They get there first and when you walk in on time you feel like your running late and need to make up for the delay. Remember they are the ones not following the schedule. I need you to tell me again does SI want to work with Sheepfoot Machinery?” Darcy explained as she gathered folders up.

“No. I don’t see anything about their company that we want.”

Grinning at her boss Darcy, “I’ll handle it boss. You just come in when you’re ready.”

Continuing to watch as Darcy walked into the room getting ignored by everyone representing Sheepfoot.

“Hello. I am Miss Potts assistant and I have some papers everyone must read and sign before meeting with Miss Potts. The first page is a summary of the agreement and the following pages are the same agreement in multiple languages. Select the page you choose and sign in the directed manner. I forgot to introduce myself, Darcy of clan O’Reilly.”

Unsmiling Darcy watched them read the summary saying they would not attempt to contact any employee of SI in any form until the top three individuals of SI contacted Sheepfoot first, they would not run any smear campaign or rumors against SI or its employees.

The leader of the group looked up at Darcy. “Clan O’Reilly? I heard Watcher’s had gotten on your clan’s good side.”

Darcy grinned and watched as they all signed the papers. A large worry of Giles had been prevented and SI would stay out of Sheepfoot and Wolf Ram and Hart’s reaches.

Silently handing the papers to Darcy and walking out the Sheepfoot Machinery team left the building as Darcy shimmy wiggled up to Pepper’s office. “This is a cause for celebration Miss Potts. Break out the ice cream and sprinkles!”

!2019 august event, fandom: avengers, author: indra leigh

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