Day 25 - At Least It Will Be Thursday

Aug 25, 2019 23:44

Title: At Least It Will Be Thursday
Author: Grundy (jerseyfabulous)
Rating: FR13
Crossover: Good Omens (book)
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Gaiman, Pratchett, and Whedon. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: Dawn can't quite put her finger on what it is about her Oxford classmate that bugs her.
Word Count: 550
Note: Sorry, I know everyone's looking forward to further adventures in Aman, but I needed a bit of a break.

Dawn frowned.

There was something not…normal about her tutorial partner, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. And it was starting to bug the hell out of her.

She was sure he wasn’t a demon. That she’d checked for after their very first session. (She’d also taken some very interesting precautions before the next one, above and beyond what she considered usual.) He’s also not a demon hunter, and he’s not Slayer-adjacent - sometimes male siblings of Slayers pinged on her metaphorical radar.

In fact, to all appearances, he was almost abnormally normal. But the way her attention just seemed to slide away from him like water off a duck if she tried to focus too hard on what it was about him that wasn’t right or even think too hard about him if he wasn’t present was definitely not normal. In fact, that was what had her convinced there was something supernatural about him.

Not being able to be more specific than that is driving her nuts. It’s five weeks into term, she should have been able to work it out by now.

It’s not like she’s been avoiding him. In fact, she knows a ton about her partner.

Adam was just as interested in ancient languages and history as she was, for a start - which was part of how they ended up in the same tutorial in the first place. He also had a set of Scoobies of his very own, although only Brian was here at Oxford. Pepper was doing astrophysics at Imperial and Wensleydale had apparently startled no one when he decided on LSE. (Dawn's said hi to both of them over the phone. Pepper sounded cool. Wensleydale sounded bookish. They’ve made it clear they expect to meet her in person at some point.)

He also had a pair of godfathers, who he talked about less, and from the sounds of that one phone conversation, was actually trying to keep her away from. It sounded like a warm relationship, though very British - he only called them by their last names. (Dawn wasn't sure if he liked one of them better, or if there was something worrying him about his other godfather, because Adam always hesitated slightly before saying 'Fell'.)

Adam’s from a village that’s actually not that far away, which was what had brought her disquiet to a head. He’s asked her if she wants to come home with him after tutorial on Thursday. His mother has heard about Thanksgiving - and that Dawn’s sister couldn’t make it like they’d originally planned - so she offered to cook a turkey dinner despite it not being a British holiday.

Dawn was equal parts grateful, embarrassed, and curious.

Just what the hell has Adam been telling his parents that his mum would insist he invite her? (And will she be in trouble with Pepper, who comes up often enough in conversation that Dawn isn’t sure if she’s a girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend, or just Willow to Adam’s Buffy.)

Oh, and cautious. Definitely cautious. Because as determinedly normal as Adam seemed, there was something not right. For all she knew, his ‘parents’ were using him as bait. He could be under duress. Or maybe his godparents were demons.

So really, she’s duty-bound to investigate. And it’s Thanksgiving. It’s not like it’s Tuesday.

!2019 august event, fandom: good omens, author: grundy

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