Title: The Conductor of Light [AU: Saving Grace-verse]
Disclaimer: Er, I don’t own Hetalia.
Pairing: Arthur × Alfred; hints of Francis × Matthew and Arthur + Matthew
Rating: PG-13, perhaps a bit of fluff. IDK.
Author’s notes: A two-part side-story for the multipart fic The Saving Grace of Antiquity written for the
usxuk ficathon. Sherlock Holmes AU.
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Comments 24
I've been eagerly awaiting more from this verse! :D I think you've got the tone and their voices just right.
And you have me converted. I looked up the Granada series on youtube. I'm now mostly done with Season 3 and loving every minute of it. ^_^;;;
YAY! ♥ Maybe one of these days I'll upload some Sherlock Holmes stuff, so people could enjoy it more. ♥
Spreading the love is always good. :Db I really need to go back and finish reading the original stories. I've read about half of them, and loved them, but had to give the books back to a friend before I could finish. I think I've got my own copy now, though, so I should figure out where I was.
Good luck with this! I will look forward to more. ^_^b
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I decided on the reverse because I felt opening it with the start of the case doesn't really...work for this story.
(The devil is in the details in writing this, but Watson was so detailed himself when he writes Holmes' stories that well, I also have to be. :/)
And I obviously have to check out the other fic. Seriously!
Well, you'll get a peek as to how Matthew and Alfred came to be Arthur's wards. ♥
And Alfred. Why do I find it so cute that he's so worried out of his mind? D: /sadist
Yes. He's terribly cute when he's worried out of his mind which is why I like making him that way; he gets even cuter in the next part.
I'm glad you like Arthur here. He makes such little appearance that I worry if people get enough of a feel of his character! ♥
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