CLDR is pissing me off.

Oct 19, 2008 19:48

I find it funny how everyone sits there and complains "CLDR IS DYING OM G U GAIZ !!!!!111one" and then when someone tries to make it interesting they get all fucking excited about it. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK.  Don't fucking blame me for trying to change things. It gets boring that EVERY SINGLE POST IS SEX. Alright people THINK OF SOMETHING NEW. God damn.

Honestly, I'm cosidering dropping every character I have if things don't change, and if people don't stop harping on me for trying to have a little fun. Thanks guys, I really llove you all too, Honestly I do. Thanks a lot. What a great bunch of friends you all are. And seriously, if you don't like a character or how the person plays that character then JUST TELL THEM FLAT OUT. INSTEAD OF TROLLING THEM LIKE A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES. ESPECIALLY IF THEY'RE ONE OF MY FRIENDS. Do you have any idea how pussy like that is.

Alright. There/ Don't come bitching to me.

Until someone appologizes for being a total DICK to me for trying to make something more interesting I here by DROP every character I own.
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