Today was fun. went to build-a-bear. i wasn't impressed. they had old stuff. not really good service... but i got like a total of 40 percent off. then i bought the younglings candy. and we watched star wars. and then went to eat some fricking awesome italian. and for lunch my cousin took me to get real chinese. like real shit not like florida gay chinese. well thats about all i have to say for today. being isolated from AIM for a day was a profound expirence for me. it really showed me that i would NOT survive without technology. oh and i miss all of you guys. holy shit its cold here. i went out with a long sleeve shirt, sith sweatshirt (the boys know what i'm saying), and my jacket, and i was still fucking cold! well i'll be going to fenway and walden pond, so if anyone wants a souvenier from anywhere in boston or memphis (?), all ya have to do is ask. yeah so the storm was so bad when i got here, and it got worse in the night and uprooted trees and 6 thousand people are without power around here. that sucks for them. oh and i can't believe that chic won american idol!! yeah i'm bored... i couldn't get a ticket to the U2 concert tonight so i'm here typing to you guys. much love.
p.s. check out the star wars gangsta rap video at because its sweet. haha.
p.p.s. haha investigators around here are trying to solve the murder of a 97 year old woman. thought that was funny. i'm bad.