May 16, 2006 16:28
It's hot out. I'm sweating. It's quite nice.
Nothing new with me..actually since my last journal entry I'm sure there's quite a bit new. I just dont recall what those changes are. X-Men 3 comes out next weekend, which is going to fucking rock!!!! hmmmm. I had a 5 page paper that was due this thursday, which I hadn't started on, that got moved back two weeks, which means I'll get my fair share of sleep these next two days.
Let's see. I have been playing Oblivion for quite some time and just love it to death. I recently finsished watching all the Scrubs episodes, very delicious.
And JUST recently I've thought about giving up TV. Not forever, that would be crazy. I just watch so damn much of it that I think I could be doing other stuff like reading and drawing, things I enjoy that take a little extra effort. Who knows. I won't give up movies though, cuase there are a few coming out this summer that I will not miss. And I have to finish the second season of LOST. yes I'm a fan, and proud of it.
My roommate BLAKE just movied out Friday. Which was kind of abrupt, but now I have a room all to myself. Other than that I miss him quite a bit. I now need someone that will drag me out of the house and make me go to social gatherings.
Life is good, that's about it.