Gabilliam One-Shot (What Used To Be)

Dec 28, 2009 03:25

TITLE: What Used To Be
RATING: PG-13 or NC-17...Nothing below the belt. Slight swearing & stuff.
PAIRING: Gabilliam :>
AUTHOR: twistedoodles 
DISCLAIMER: I own no one. They belong to themselves. I own the plot, yes. The boys, I wish.
WARNING: Fluff!, slight swearing and use of some indecent words and/or themes, character death
NOTES: This a Gabilliam fic I wrote a while back. The original story had different names but I turned this to slash and made minor revisions so it'd be fit for some Gabanti&&Bilvy lovin'. :>

First posted at :)

Anyway, I hope it doesn't suck much. Go easy on me!

Enjoy (I hope)!

Way back when I was sixteen, during my teenage years, I met a boy named Gabe. I never thought there was still such guy who was very kind, sweet, caring, handsome but was loyal and faithful at the same time.

Unbelievable, right?

Well, believe it.

He was different from all the guys I met. Gabe stood out from the crowd and yet he was a humble person. He wasn’t a jerk who would hit on anyone or anything that walks, breathes and talks.

Where is this going you may be wondering? Well, I just gave a little introduction to my story, so here it goes…

I was in my senior year and like what usual students do, I go to school with my friends. It was the first day of school but for us, it wasn’t any different from our usual days in class. Same old building, same old classmates; the only different thing was our new classroom and of course, a different adviser.

Oh by the way, have I introduced myself yet? The name’s William Eugene Beckett Jr. but my friends call me Bill. Anyway, back to my story.

Things were just oh so the same ‘til…

“Good Morning!” greeted Mr. Jonathan Walker as he gave us a warm welcoming smile. “Today is our first day of classes. Welcome back!” he continued. My friend Adam Siska or Sisky as he prefers, who was seated next to me, made a face and smirked. I started giggling that I caught Mr. Walker’s attention and he said, “Mr. Beckett, just as I was saying, a new student from New Jersey has moved in to our school and he will be your new classmate.” He paused for a while as if to excite everyone. Then he continued, “Let us all welcome, Gabriel Eduardo Saporta.”

And there he was.

I couldn’t stop staring at him. He was tall and really really hot. Okay, yes, I am gay. But that’s not the point. When he looked at my direction, I felt my cock twitch and my insides melt. “Holy fucking shit!” I thought. Luck was definitely on my side when Mr. Walker made him sit on the empty seat on my other side.

When he sat down, I put on my best seductive smile that makes girls drool and boys question their sexuality.

”Hey. Bill” I said as I extended my hand to him.

“Gabe” he grinned then said, “Uhm, mind if I ask you a favor?”

For a moment, I was afraid he would ask me to fuck off or something like that but despite my hesitation I heard myself ask, “Yeah sure, what is it?”

“Uh, can you..uhm..maybe, uh” He stuttered.

“What?” I asked unsure.

“Can you maybe uh, show me around?” He bit his lip. Really, he should stop doing that ‘cause I might not be able to stop myself from ravishing him then and there. I had to restrain myself so instead I smiled again and batted my eyelashes. “Sure. Of course, but-”

“Lunch? My treat.” He grinned.

Oh c'mon. You have got to be kidding me. How could I say NO to that smile?

“Cool.” Did he just ask me to lunch? Oh my shit.

“Thanks. Can’t wait.” He smiled again and returned his attention to Mr. Walker who was discussing about god knows what.

I chanced a glance at him again and I think my heart just stopped. I am so, so fucked.


A week has passed and things were going smoothly. I felt as if I knew him before I even met him. I began to like him more and more. But still, I don’t even know if he was gay.

One night, as I was about to sleep, I felt my iPhone vibrate. Someone was calling.

To my surprise, it was Gabe.

“Hello?” I said groggily.

“Bilvy!” He sounded so happy.

“Hey Gabanti!” I smiled and I felt my insides flutter.

Yes, we've started on with the nicknames. Sue me.

“Sorry to call you this time of night. Were you asleep?”

“Nope, but I was about to.” I said, sounding sleepy.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t sleep without hearing your voice first.” he said in a serious but sweet voice.

I giggled and asked, “Okay mister! What do you want? You have a favor to ask?”

“Haha! No princess.” I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see. “I just wanted to say good night.”

“Yeah right, so good night then. See you in school tomorrow.” I chuckled.

“Okay. Good night Bill. Care to ride me?”

My eyes practically popped out of its sockets but I managed to choke out, “What?”

“Shit, shit. I meant, ride WITH me.”

Yes, yes. Thank YOU for the mental image Gabe. You definitely gave me something to ponder on before going to bed.

“Oh. Uh, okay. Sure sure. Uhm, I guess I’ll introduce you to my mom.” I had to stop myself yet again before I got a boner. Nah-uh. It’s time for bed, nothing else.

“Hmm…Uh, I’ll bring something for her then.” I can practically sense him rubbing the back of his neck showing his nervousness.

“Uhm, okay. See you tomorrow Gabanti. Good night. Bye.”

“Bye.” then we hung up.

“Is this really abso-fucking-lutely true or am I just dreaming? Shit. He’s picking me up. Ohmyfuckinggawd!” I squealed. I could hear the Hallelujah chorus in my ears and I felt like I was in a fairytale. You know I’d make a gorgeous princess, a hot one at that and Gabe would be the most hottest (he’s that HOTT) prince ever.


In the morning, I woke up thirty minutes earlier. I felt so happy and excited so I got dressed immediately. I chose my tightest jeans, a red figure-hugging v-neck shirt and my black leather jacket. Let me tell you, not to sound vain or anything but I looked smokin’ hot. Honest.

When I went down, I was shocked to see Gabe already in our living room talking to my mom. They seem to be getting along just fine. That’s a relief. He even brought my mom flowers and a cake. When my mom saw me, she asked us to go to the garden to eat breakfast. Gabe said that he was done eating but my mom insisted and so he gave in. We had much fun, the food was good, we ate the cake he brought for dessert and we talked about a lot of things.

Then, it was time for us to go to school so we bid my mom goodbye. Just as soon as we left the house, I received a message from my mom.

It read:
“Hey sweetie. I think Gabe’s a great guy. Thank him again for the cake and flowers he brought. Whatever decision you’d make for the both of you, I trust you. ”

I was touched with what my mom said. I won’t let her down.


Days after, when I woke up, I was surprised to see petals of my favorite red and white roses on the floor. I could smell their sweet fragrance and it was as if I was in a garden of roses just like what I’ve always dreamt of. I stood up and walked to the door.

When I opened it, there was a note lying on the mat.

I picked it up and read, “Good morning Bilvy! Your prince awaits you. Join me in our paradise and let us enjoy the morning together.” Despite the cheesiness. I was touched and surprised at the same time. It was totally unexpected but I would never exchange that moment for anything else.

As I was going down the stairs, there were pink roses on every step. I picked each one up. There were pink ribbons tied to them and each one had a note that said, “I love you” or some quotes as sweet as that.

When I reached the end of the stairs, I found a teddy bear. It was soft and cuddly. I hugged it eagerly and when I did, I heard a familiar voice recorded in the bear.

“I love you William Eugene Beckett. Jr.! I will slay every dragon and banish every witch that tries to hurt you. Our palace awaits, would you allow me to be your knight?”

I couldn’t help but smile. I rushed into the garden and found it decorated as if I were in a fairytale. There were colorful flowers and balloons everywhere. It was such a splendid sight.

Suddenly, my favorite song played. “♪These are the moments I thank God that I’m alive. And these are the moments I’ll remember all my life. I found all I’ve waited for and I could not ask for more. ♪”

Then behind me, Gabe appeared, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“May I have this dance?” he whispered in my ear.

I turned around and took his hands, “Only if you’d treat me to lunch.”

He grinned and chuckled. We danced and danced and danced. He held me close and I couldn’t help but smile. We were like a fairytale couple. The only different thing was that I still was in my boxers and ratty shirt and not a suit or anything fancy.

But at the moment, it didn’t matter.

Nothing did.

It was only between Gabe and I.

Me and Gabe.

When the song ended, he knelt down and said, “Bilvy, I never knew that this would happen. When my parents decided to move here and leave New Jersey, I was crushed because I’ve lived there all my life then suddenly, in a snap I had to leave everything. Things were way different here. For me, everything was new. I had to make the biggest adjustments and I must admit I was scared to go to school at first. I never thought I’d actually like this place…’til you.”

I saw the sincerity in his eyes so I asked him to stand up. I held his hand and squeezed it a little tight. ”Oh Gabanti! I thought this year would be the same as the past school years I’ve had but when you came, everything too has become different for me.” I said.

Then, I leaned over, wrapped by arms around his neck and whispered to his ear, “It was like a wonderful dream that has finally turned into reality.”


From that day on, we were inseparable. He introduced me to his family and they warmly welcomed me. His mom told me that she has never seen Gabe so happy before. Gabe changed my life and made me a better person. I grew more and more in love with him each day. He was more than the kind of person I thought he was.

We spent almost every minute of everyday together.

We would cuddle in my backyard and just look at the stars. There were days when we would drive up to the beach to walk hand in hand in the shore. Before the sun sets, we would sit on the sand, arms around each other. Each time is a perfect moment, murmurs of “I love you’s” and stolen kisses.


Things could never have gotten better ‘til one night the phone rang. I picked up and in a groggy voice I said, “Hello?”

The voice on the other line was trembling. It was Mrs. Saporta and she was crying. Between her sobs she managed to say, “Will- William? Thi..this Mrs. Saporta. It’s Gabe.”

Suddenly, my heart was racing and my body was shaking.

Gabe had a car accident.

When I heard this, tears ran down my cheeks. It was like my whole world was falling apart.

The next thing I knew was that I woke my mom up and we drove to the hospital as fast as we could.

As soon as we got there, I ran to the room where he was. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see him with bruises all over and a bandage on his head. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The car crash was fatal and the only thing keeping him alive was a machine.

I rushed to his side and held his hand. I leaned over and whispered to his ear, “Hey, I’m here now baby. I love you Gabriel. Hold on. Please.”

I choked as I said those words. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I felt his hand gripping mine.

For a second, I thought everything was okay but then his hand slipped and I realized that my greatest fear has come true.

He is gone.


I will never forget this moment. I don’t know what I’d do now that he’s gone. I never knew that fairy tales could end so tragically.

Now, here I am, all alone sitting on my porch, reminiscing what used to be.

I never had another relationship since then.

He was my only one, my one and only prince.

Forty years have passed but I never lost that strong feeling I had for him.

I know he’s watching over me now and I guess his presence is all I need to last my lifetime.

Someday, we’ll be together again and the tragic fairy tale we’ve once had will have a better, happier ending.

~fin. <3

bilvy, gabilliam, gabanti

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