Sep 01, 2008 21:20
I never thought I'd say this but....
I liked Babylon AD less than I expected. The story line was pretty lame when all was said and done. I mean seriously? That's why the girl 'had' to be saved? Anyway. It'd be good to watch at the cheap theater maybe. I didn't pay for it since I have a gc for Regal but that is fast dwindling.
I can't believe they're making a Transporter 3. So far it looks better than 2, and it still has Jason Stathom in it so I'll definitely go see it. :)
Went to the last Shakespeare in the Park for the summer today. Fortunately the weather co-operated unlike last weekend when it rained pretty steady for a bit but we stuck it out (much to the chagrin of the performers I'm sure). Still fun though and glad I went again. Marie really seemed to enjoy it.
Walked to Plaid Pantry tonight to get something to drink and ran into an old Kickball teammate. Turns out he and a couple other guys (one of whom was also on our team) live right behind PP. Which also explains why I saw our former team captain near there about a month, month and a half ago. Small small world. Also scary what people remember about you too. He remembered I was really into something Leaf. That was right around the time I had just gotten into Carbon Leaf. Good times.
Ugh, time to get back to work already? Too soon...