you change all the lead sleeping in my head to gold

May 31, 2005 20:24

1: total number of books i own - 300 or so currently, i thinki

2: the last book i bought: the immoralist, andre gide. from an arctic book barn.

3: the last book i read: the dark is rising sequence. i just felt the need to revisit a loved childhood text. i never finished the last book of the quintet, the grey king, the first time around. it was quite slashy actually.

4: 5 books that mean a lot to me:

- orality and literacy - walter ong (one of those dry, dusty texts that is a headache to read and somehow allows you to look outside your own eyeballs, reconsider everything.)

- heart of darkness - joseph conrad

- the name of the rose - umberto eco

- wings of the dove - henry james

- the windup bird chronicle - huraki murakami (though it will always remind me of lost love, which can be sucky. and can be nice, the remembering)
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