Dear Arashi,
Thank you. *insert incoherent fangirl talk*
Despite the rain and the floods I had to deal with to get to school the other day (a long, disgusting story), despite the stress and never ending amount of school work, despite the bitches at school who never seem to grow up, despite the negativity going around... despite all of that.
Thank you. It's like a REAALLLY early birthday present. *patiently waits for the pv*
I'm a sucker for angst-y Arashi. And they just had to be in black and red and there's an orchestra behind them. My fangirl dreams have been answered. This won't disappoint me I just know it. A perfect pv for probably my favorite Arashi single to date.
Time has been good to me these last two days. I'm savoring it while it lasts because this will prop me up when I feel like taking someone's eyes out again.
Oh and on a RL note: WELCOME
KOICHI!! My brother just gave me this phone. He got Ippei from me and gave me this shiny new flip phone as an early birthday gift.
Thank you life for being good to me now. Really I am grateful.
You probably know why I named it Koichi... *whistles innocently and waits for September* XD