Stolen from Alex:
1. Name one person who made you smile yesterday:
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Sleeping! Yes, I got a day off! Woot!!! I was up by nine though.
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Putting laundry on to wash and hanging other clothes up.
4. What is something that happened to you in 1994?
I was graduating from the 4th grade.
5. What is the last thing you said aloud?
"Oooo...Enterprise!" [Star Trek]
6. How many different things did you drink today?
Water, milk, cranberry juice.
7. What color is your hairbrush?
I use a black comb.
8. What is the last thing that you bought?
Beer to pay John back for dinner.
9. What was the last gift you received for your birthday?
Death at a Funeral!!11!!1
10. What color is your front door?
Peeling white paint...I think. Let me go check...hahaha, actually, my back door, the only door I use, is peeling dark grey paint. Because those white and dark grey are so easy to confuse, yo.
11. Where do you keep your change?
Squirreled away in different areas like a vase, a dish, my wallet, my car, some pant pockets...
12. What was the weather like today?
Overcast this morning I think, but it's been clearish and cool most of the day. (I haven't been outside except to go pay my power bills.)
13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
Right now I like a mix of chocolate and pistachio. But that's in Gelato, not ice cream. I like vanilla milkshakes and strawberry ice cream. Hell, any ice cream is good ice cream to me.
14. What is something you are excited about?
Iron Man coming out this week, moving to a new apartment in a month, getting out of my box office job...I think that's all.
15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
The last one I remember was in the car on the way to the Tom Petty concert.
16. What size shoe do you wear?
Around an eight. I have a square foot, so it depends on the fit of the shoe.
17. Do you have a sister?
One sister. [I'm not quite sure of the social connection to my other two step-sisters now that my mom and step-dad are separated. Until the divorce, if there is one, I guess they still are my sisters.]
18. Are you very random?
More than I realize, I think.
19. Do you want to cut your hair?
Not right now, it's an okay length.
20. Are you over the age of 20?
By four years.
21. Do you talk a lot?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I'm quiet.
22. Do you watch The O.C.?
God no.
23. Does your screen name have an "x" in it?
That's a negative.
24. Do you know anyone named Charles?
Yes, it's a common name, I think.
25. Do you make up your own words?
Usually when I try to speak English on a sugar high.
26. Are you ticklish?
In a certain place. Otherwise I can ignore it.
27. Are you typically a jealous person?
I used to think I wasn't, but something came along that I treasured and I was jealous for awhile.
28. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "B:
I can't think of any right now.
30. Who's the 1st person on your received calls list?
My sister, Meg.
Update: Now my brother called me. Ha, won't these people leave me aloooooone.
31. What did the last text message you received say:
Nicole telling me that she was on her way to the show and that she wasn't aware that Fiona had her tickets.
32. Do you chew on your straws?
I do when I get bored or I have the straw for awhile.
33. Do you have curly hair?
34. What is the next concert you're going to?
Not a band. I'm going to see Eddie Izzard in a few months.
35. Who is the worst person in your life?
Dude, that's a long line. Best or worst, they're all people. No one has done the most in sabotaging my own emotions than myself, I'm afraid.
36. How many times have you swore today?
Not yet. [That's because I've stayed home most of the day.]
37. What is something you say a lot?
Fuck. Except for today.
38. What is the last thing you ate?
Peanut butter on bread. [New Omega-3 balanced. Yummy!]
39. Have you seen the movie "Donnie Darko"?
Yes, I found pieces of it interesting.
40. Do you have work tomorrow?
Yes, I have three days of marketing to get my project for SWP ready.
41. Is marriage in your future?
Probably not. I'm just hoping to find someone to put up with me for some length of time.
42. When was the last time you said "I love you."?
To Jessica at her going away/wedding reception dinner before we parted ways.
43. what should you be doing now?
Nothing really, I'm waiting for my sheets to finish drying so that I can make my bed.
44. Do you have a nickname?
45. Are you a heavy sleeper?
Not really.
46. When was the last time you used a skateboard?
Never. I'm not a fan. But I did find the skating park downtown while I was walking around earlier.
47. What is the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
Celluloid Closet
49. When was the last time you did the dishes, be honest...?
I don't know. George has been hitting the dishes pretty hard lately.
50. Are you currently depressed?
I don't think so. I'm pretty happy at the moment. Frustrated as hell but pretty happy.
Ah, that was fun. Now to make my bed and get some dinner ready. Laters!