Sep 06, 2003 22:47
It seems, everything, more or less, is fighting against all the values, hopes and dreams, I hold dear. My (the, respectively) family (from a twisted, demented part of the underworld) is so immensely f**ked up. Love and hate are the same.. Its so wrong.. this world we live in.. I am so grateful for my friends who have shown me that life/loved ones, don't have to be that way. I understand that the majority of the time, a f**ked up person generally had a f**ked up life (or at least some instance in time that was so tramatic the effects were life-lasting, to some varying degree). I could only hope positve loving people can ease their inward pain. May the acheing burdens some hold alone, never affect their sense of worth or value to the ones who truely care for their well-being.
<3love to everyone.=)